Born in England, part-Irish, part-Welsh songstress, Lily Lambert gained international acclaim with her debut “Life of Lily” and her sophomore...
New Releases
Maxwell Kofi Delali Nyagamangu, also popularly known by the stage name Nafari, is a Ghanaian recording artist, the fifth of...
Dan Tha Jeweler released his first official album “Blessed” on July 29 which is available on all streaming services. Dan...
Twenty-four year-old Toronto artist, Bizznes, recently dropped his track, “Days In The East” (Prod. by Dez Wright). Along with the...
Tony Vegas: “Midnight Hideaway” ft. Destiny – perfectly balanced tempo, contrast and instrumentation
Tony Vegas is an Australian DJ producer, currently based in Budapest has had three successive TOP 10 songs on the...
RageMD is a medical student and hip-hop artist from Toronto, Canada. With a style that fuses old school vibes and...
Jules Verne Theory brings together the talents and experience of Richard Slee and Arron Clague. The electronic music duo signed to Ninthwave Records, are to my mind,...
Released on the 19th of July, ‘Wish You Well’ is the highly anticipated follow-up to Philadelphia-based rock outfit, 1FM’s debut...
Hip hop artist San Doctor, from Mexico near the Texan border, the style is a mixture of pop music and...
Jonas Yearby aka Jay Byrd, originally from Columbus, GA, started doing music at 11, posting mix tapes on Datpiff and...
1900-114 is a rock band based in Santiago, Chile. Influences are hard rock and heavy metal. Formed by high school...
Manhattan-born creative consultant turned singer-songwriter, Mic X (MicTheXception), aka Ryan Holder, is in an elite league of Pop artists ushering...
The Mox & J. Project features blues/soul vocalist Jess Bro and rapper Mitchel Paulson (Moxie). After years of success with...
The best thing about the album, “Call It A Classic” by Charming Timur, is that it plays as a WHOLE...
King Nell$ is Paterson, New Jersey artist signed to Loyalty Above Everything Records (DJ Louie Styles Label). He just recently...
Trill Cut’s story is a familiar sounding one, because it is a too often recurring account of a childhood spent...
The man and his beloved machine are back! Formed back in 2004, the improbable duo of DAV!D&CLARA, made up of...
Former swimsuit model Icielani is a multi-talented recording artist from Canada who is currently focusing on her music right now. ...
FourEver is an American Pop group made up of four young men aged between 16 and 18, Jarrod Allen on...