In the bustling corridors of modern music, where trends often outweigh substance, Rob Massard stands as a beacon of authenticity...
World Music
In a world filled with chaos, where the clamor of daily life often drowns out the whispers of the soul,...
Mahamaya Experience’s “Village Songs”: A Sonic Ode to Ecological Consciousness and Ethereal Melodies
Emerging from the depths of South and Southeast Asia, Mahamaya Experience brings forth an unparalleled vibrancy and rhythmic energy that...
Prepare to be mesmerized by the rhythmic wizardry of Tom Teasley, the extraordinary multi-instrumental genius who has taken the music...
In the vast dominion of electronic music, where genres intertwine and boundaries blur, there resides an artist whose sonic wizardry...
Raised in East London, producer Akoben's musical journey is a unique blend of influences from Ghanaian Highlife, R&B, hip-hop, deep...
Sarves Thiru is a musician with roots in Malaysia. She began her musical journey at the age of eight, when...
So there’s the expectation of trying to reach out to a wider audience and, one would assume, have the luck...
The track “Advance” lunges gently forward with busting percussion, lighting up the pleasure center of your brain. Not before long...
The German musician and singer-songwriter Heike Harfmann sang every line and played every note on her single “Wut”. A fascinating...
Tasos Petsas (aka Tasos P.) The International Songwriting Competition (ISC), one of the most popular contests in the World, last week...
Melchizedek Barin Sui is the son of Reggae artist Winston Groovy, and only recently started singing, following in dad’s footsteps....
Distinguished composer Jacquie Joy celebrated for great contributions to ‘music in media’ with a nomination to HMMA “World Music” category,...
Ash Avery wears many hats – a surfer, traveler, mystic and musician. Born in Devon in the UK, he left...
Lise-Bey is African American singer, songwriter and composer based in Maryland USA. She makes heartfelt music with soul, and her...
The contemporary classical composition “Flowing”, for piano, strings and oboe, by Avichai Levy, who plays all instruments, radiates with his...
After the highly acclaimed 2019 full length release "Colors Hidden Within the Gray", AUTUMN TEARS has wasted no time. We...
Embodying a genre-inclusive approach, Elephant Heart emits an inimitable and irresistible frequency tuned in to electro, world music, and pop,...
On Tuesday November, 26th- Butta B-Rocka returns with an uplifting, groovy, and powerful folk/world music single ‘Promise Land’. The melancholic...