In the quaint town of Kirkkonummi, Finland, an enigmatic figure has reemerged onto the electronic music scene, bringing with him...
The Charlie Bucket Project is an independent recording artist who made his solo recording debut in 2021 with the song...
Heavily inspired by Lil Peep, Juice Wrld, Cold Hart, and Wicca Phase, 24 year-old Krilovs is an artist of Swedish...
Filipino-Canadian indie artist Teaboi, recently released his 3-track single, entitled “dichotomy of emotions”, which is described as bring about, “The...
Los Angeles-based musician and producer JPecs released his second lo-fi album – “all nighter”, on May 10th, right before finals...
Streamtrax provides a range of safe, free chill music for live Twitch and YouTube streamers in IRL, Just Chatting and...
FID is an Australian Lo-fi producer and rapper, who has been making music on his iPad since he was 12....
‘Avatar-band’ CellarHouse have resurfaced from their particular brand of virtual reality to showcase their forth single from their soon to...
The psychedelic post-rock band Fiveighthirteen is made up of Mike Effenberger (keyboards, synthesizer, and piano), Nick Phaneuf (electric guitar, bass,...
Independent hip-hop artist and Chicago native Jay Lyn Gatz wields an energetic flow that resides in a realm of its...
So what makes Dannii Scott and his music so special? In a word, intimacy. His lyrics have the feel of...
Based out of Hitchin, UK, about 30 minutes north of London, Comboverdose has always had music ingrained into his lifestyle...
Pulp’s newest track, “I Can’t Smoke In the Gallery” is a somewhat dark but calming lofi song. The laid back...
Ryan Robinson is a musician from Merseyside in the UK. His music tries to mix all the elements he likes...
The Short Wave Craft project brings together London based producer and mix engineer, Dominic Owen, who has written music for...
“The Valley Sank from the Weight of the Grief” is raw, personal and absolutely stunning. Despite the plethora of incredible...
Singer and guiitarist Romie Artha is the leader of alternative rock band BENICE that has released it’s 9 track album...
QOTA is a rock, garage, lo-fi, experimental electronica combo from Kuala Lumpur, made up of members M.Azeem (sound, guitar, pad,...
If you have never heard of this retrogress, but like mysterious, sultry, and deep music, running the gamut from dreamy...