New Releases

Tyran Maxey: “The Rapper, The Devil, The Music Industry” – a keen street observer

Tyran Maxey comes from the ghettos in the city of Chicago. Often referred to as Falckun – fighter against leaders corrupting knowledge universally needed – [more…]

New Releases

“While Everything Is Now” puts Trey Connor into the modern pop-rock realm with a bang


Trey Connor hasn’t hit stardom just yet. But that’s because his Debut CD “While Everything Is Now” is only releasing to the general public on [more…]

New Releases

Staying for the Weekend: “Hell No” – when you’re tired of the vacuous music populating today’s airwaves


You might ask: what separates Staying for the Weekend from thousands of other so-called indie bands? Well, what makes them stand apart is what I [more…]

New Releases

Magazine Gap: “Calling Card” – a well-oiled sound that is distinctive and instantly recognizable


From beginning to end the new Ep, by Magazine Gap, entitled “Calling Card” distills what makes this groups’ music flow as well as it does. [more…]