Rosabel is a house music duo consisting of DJs and producers, Ralphi Rosario and Abel Aguilera. Successful solo artists in their own right, the duo have hit top...
illrecur is an American music project and pseudonym, founded in 1997 and adopted by Jeremy Allen Pursell. As its main...
Freddy Angel, an independent electronic music producer/vocalist, as well as a multimedia fashion blogger, was born in New York City,...
“Now That You Are Mine” by Lyndon Rivers ft. Adam Parker is just fun and soaring vocals that bring a...
If you have heard last year’s single “Dolls”, you at least have an idea what to expect with Rawzilk. He...
Ghost of a DJ is an electronic music producer, songwriter and DJ. Active as of 2016, with initial releases on...
Australian producers Futuristic have released the track “CA$E”, through the Ministry of Sound/Downright Records label. “CA$E” is the result of...
Solmate’s debut single, “Moonlight”, is both an exceptional sound and experience. Perhaps there should be one qualification in that it’s...
JJ Savina aka Julia Savina is an EDM Producer, DJ and Remixer at Famous Records / Fontana. Originally from Narva, Estonia,...
Multiple Akademia Award Winner Erwin Bauwens is a very busy producer indeed. He has written award winning songs for Justyna...
After impressing us with the release of “Electronik”, a couple of months back, Natt Moore the Contempstrumental Records label owner and...
Sinai Variant is an electronic / dance music band, based in Leeds, UK. They have released two tracks, “January” and “April”...
Ryder is an Indie pop artist enjoying massive online success via Soundcloud, Spotify, Hype Machine and YouTube. Her first two singles...
CDAD’s vocals, lyrics and music, are not for the faint of heart. He lays himself bare and if you accept...
Jeff Woodall was born in London and raised in Hertfordshire, UK. Following high grades in a school ‘Tone’ test at...
Mike Laurence (a.k.a. Punkbot) studied classical voice and jazz saxophone in college, a combo of experiences that he has infused...
Aminita Satori is an ex advertising jingle writer from Chicago, IL, who left the business due to inner artistic dilemmas....
Sonic Entropy is a project by Peter Almosdi, an engineering-physicist from Budapest, who recently released the 11 track album, entitled...
Keith Richie is a puzzling artistic character; sometimes essential, sometimes sophisticated, somewhat rustic, oftentimes complex, and yet essentially urban in...