Joey Danger (Joseph Anthony Stuller) is a New York City based musician, film director, multimedia artist, and music producer. Joey...
The “Fourier Bessel Series Remixes” is a song set by the electronic artist Secant Prime, whom we know exactly nothing...
The artist, musician, and author, Dylan Tauber is perhaps the personification of a restlessly creative artist: Never one to quietly rest...
Mflux & The Bass Rangers has a long history in electronic music with releases under several pseudonyms on alternative and...
A cutting edge dance music company with a focus on amazing house Dj/Producers There are a variety of many record...
The track is half serious, half party. But throughout, Joshua Hatkins flexes his lyrical talent and vocal variety. Joshua's greatest...
FlxshWave is an artist from Paris, FRANCE. He has been producing and writing music for other artists since 2008 but...
StutterFingers is the solo electronic project of a self-taught jazz guitarist from London, UK, who uses analogue synths and heavy...
Baum Jr., who has a background in rock, describes his newly invented genre as ‘Next-Gen 8-bit’, calling upon influence from...
Jonathan C. Meier grew up in a musical family in Switzerland, near the city of Saint Gallen. Fascinated by the...
Correigh has been singing and writing songs with her two sisters for as long as she can remember. After studying...
The Blue Phoenix’s musicianship is nearly impeccable. The meticulous composition, bouncing synths, and grooving beats are often simple, looped melodies...
Lyndon Rivers is known his sublime EDM mixes and clever choice of material. Beyond the interminable techno and house of...
So often, Producers/DJs flood the music scene by redoing what’s been done and serving up mixes that, after listening, seem...
Nelvy is an upcoming new young Electro - Progressive House producer. He has freshly released the single “Clean Sheet”. Nelvy...
Goose has just released his EP entitled “Love Lost”. The whole recording is driven by love, pain, deep thought, inspiration,...
To run through Maverick Hill’s curriculum would take a couple of pages suffice to say Hill was the former Promotions...
Genius isn't a word I often throw around when describing music, but genius is the only fitting word to describe...
Callum James Greens is a music composer and producer releasing original music as Calzo Houdini, also giving the name to...