In Lights is a five-piece post-rock band based out of San Jose, CA, formed in 2014. The band consists of...
Next time you're feeling stressed and worn out, find a cozy room with somewhere comfortable to lie, turn out all...
illrecur is an American music project and pseudonym, founded in 1997 and adopted by Jeremy Allen Pursell. As its main...
If you have heard last year’s single “Dolls”, you at least have an idea what to expect with Rawzilk. He...
“Televibes” by Rohan is an instrumental ambient, almost post-rock track. This University of Richmond student, from Mumbai, India, has the...
After impressing us with the release of “Electronik”, a couple of months back, Natt Moore the Contempstrumental Records label owner and...
AdvertCity OST: VoxelStorm feat. DorianSRed & Waveland – noirish ambience and dark, dense production
VoxelStorm is an indie game studio based in England and Scotland who place a great deal of emphasis on creating...
Wim is the brainchild of Ketil Lien, born and raised in Trondheim, Norway. Wim who initially was inspired by Jean Michel...
Ex-Sony Music, Spanish-born DJ and Producer Kramnik, returns with a handful of live session musicians that provide guitars, harmonicas, trumpet...
Aminita Satori is an ex advertising jingle writer from Chicago, IL, who left the business due to inner artistic dilemmas....
The project Origen, was founded in 1995 by composer, producer and sound engineer Alexsey Zakharenko from Kyiv (Ukraine). At the...
Keith Richie is a puzzling artistic character; sometimes essential, sometimes sophisticated, somewhat rustic, oftentimes complex, and yet essentially urban in...
Tom Raistrick is a 20 year old artist from Oxford, UK. He makes ambient electronic music and has recently released...
Johnny Afghanseed is a former brass player turned electronic producer, who was introduced to production through friends and family -...
InternalEye has a style that is separated from other ambient artists. He does not become monotone half-way through his work; it's...
equape is an electro-organic, ambient indie rock band from New York. The members of the band are Pablo J., Ray...