Johnny Afghanseed is a former brass player turned electronic producer, who was introduced to production through friends and family – one being a DJ and the other being a Rapper. Johnny started using hardware drum machines and synthesizers in his teenage years, going home on lunch breaks and making beats, trying to find his own distinct and customized sound. He thought he was pretty good for his age only to realize there were people light years ahead of him, but it was just a phase, now the only one Johnny Afghanseed is competing with…is himself.

Vocalist, arranger, composer, poet and photographer, Clash Contrast has been active since 2007, distributing independent digital and physical releases since that time, in Canada, the U.S. and the U.K. Together, Clash Contrast and Johnny Afghanseed have collaborated on a track entitled “RSVP” – Clash handled the vocals and lyrics while both Johnny and Clash took care of the arrangement and production.
This collaboration debut from Clash Contrast and Johnny Afghanseed will not break the hearts of those who have been patiently waiting to consume more elegant and gauzy soundscapes. No…instead, they will fall in love with this underrated and largely unknown collab entity; the two take the oft-abhorred, but appropriately-titled Downtempo and Ambient genres to such great original heights that they are looking down from their newly-created mountain top at all of the other pretenders who are trying to create grandiose and eclectic sounds from minimal equipment.

“RSVP” is that rare track that is meant for both intimate listening in your bedroom with your socks kicked off and a lover nearby, as it is for large spaces to leave the masses breath taken with the intricate bizarre beauty of Johnny Afghanseed’s patient, delicate hands and Clash Contrast’s post-coital, off-the-beaten-track voice.
Electronic music is historically known for exploration. Some pioneers devoted themselves to exploring sound synthesis and the possibilities of new musical instruments, while others explored innovations made possible by recording technology and music production. Then there is a third collective that goes beyond both principles and does something totally different.
Clash Contrast and Johnny Afghanseed blend a well-defined style of electronic music with a peculiar style of spoken word/singing, that you would least expect in the mix. We’re talking about music that’s surprising, encompassing, and put together in such an artful manner that it makes you feel like you’re in somebody else’s dream. Highly recommend to anyone looking for a new sound in electronic music!
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