In a world where rock music often struggles to capture the raw essence of human emotion, Australian-based artist Rhett May...
Arun found the best opportunity to connect with himself and music again as he is releasing his latest single "If...
In the tumultuous landscape of today's world, where conflicts and violence continue to cast a menacing shadow, SureshMelodies emerges as...
A native of India, the 18-year-old emerging independent filmmaker, composer and multi-instrumentalist producer, Sommaiya Angrish currently lives in Tallahassee, and...
Vaibhav Bhutani is an artist and composer from New Delhi, India, who started the musical project ioish in 2012 after...
Jilesh Thilakan has always possessed an unquenchable thirst fueled by a passion for both music and technology. And it is...
Adept at standing on his own two without the need for coalescing with artists of varying calibers, Purple Activist not...
Jatayu is a jazz-rock quartet from Chennai, India, that weaves together traditional Carnatic music with Jazz, Funk, Rock, and a...
The fast-rising Pop and R&B star from India, Mallika Mehta aka the Adele of Mumbai, has been delivering a steady...
Mohammed Khisar Paika is a practicing physician, singer/songwriter/composer, engineer, cantor as well as a Koran chanter, who specializes in world,...
Flamix is a 16 year old Electronic dance music producer based in Delhi, India. The producer who creates music within...
“Parasite” is an epic symphonic rock song, written, performed, recorded and produced across 3 countries. The artistic collaboration was formed...
From Bangalore India, Lazie J creates and plays 80's classic rock music with a tinge of modern rock influenced by...
Shannon K is a 16 year old singer who was born in India and moved to London at the age of...
The Khatarnaak Hip-Hop Collective is ushering in the rebirth of hip-hop in India. The New Delhi based group is one...
With a career spanning acting, singing, and writing, Arush Dayal is a triple threat. Originally hailing from India, Arush has...
Vshali Sanas is a Singer-songwriter from Mumbai, India. She has studied Indian Classical and Western Contemporary music since 2012 and...
SuriLee AKA Samhita is a singer, songwriter, lyricist, composer, producer in Pop and R&B genres. Suri was brought up in...
Influenced by the greats of 70s and 80s, Lazie J is a Classic Rock Band from Bangalore India that creates...