Trill Cut’s story is a familiar sounding one, because it is a too often recurring account of a childhood spent...
“Winter Time” - J. Oliver ft Sam Harvey works on a number of levels. Whether it’s a turn up moment...
Currently living in Boulder, Colorado, Jay Price is a Business major student, and an active skier and athlete. At 19...
L.Rucus (@LRucus ) - Do Ya Dance Ft. Marley McNealy (@MarleysMusiq). Vallejo Hip-Hop R&B artist L.Rucus enlist the help of Singer-Songwriter...
Devonte’ Lott better known by his stage name DeLott is an American rapper from Little Rock, Arkansas. DeLott is signed...
TalentDisplay blasted on to the music scene in 2006 with his self-titled multi-lingual single. Since then, he has worked with superstar...
Sooper Vega is an American rapper, actor, and writer. Born in New York, NY, Sooper Vega moved to Providence, RI...
PGB (aka Pine Grove Boys) is a singer- songwriter duo from the Alabama Gulf Coast. Two brothers who have always...
Hennessy Jones is a songwriter, recording artist and member of the Hip Hop group "The H&T (Heroes & Terrorists)" based...
TJ Pompous who also goes by the name of PonyBoy, is a producer, rapper, and singer-songwriter from Stockbridge, GA. TJ...
Chicago area emcee Fanetic was exposed to legends like Nas, Wu-tang, and Talib Kweli at an early age. He studied...
Dima Kash is an award winning Russian born rapper, songwriter, artist, and studio owner who immigrated to the United States...
Myah J put it down on this one, no question. The entire album, entitled “Open Book”, bangs from start to...
Carlos Luis Santiago known professionally as Chubb Mason, is an aspiring American hip hop recording artist from East Harlem/South Bronx, New York. In 2000 at the...
Representing the wonderful City of Atlanta, former model Myah J meets Hip Hop. From her days of doing various photo...
22 year old, independent rapper G-Ward is based in Tampa, Florida. Passionate about pushing Hip-Hop, G-Ward crafts and styles content...
INF is a rising international rap artist who originally started from the United States, and now lives in Russia. Since...
A graduate from Ex'pression College in Berkeley, with a BAS in Sound Arts, producer and musician FZY, diagnosed with Schizophrenia in...
Baby Boy Realino was born in Manila, Philippines. Adopted in a Caucasian family he became Matthew Hassard, now artistically known...