In a music industry where formulaic hits often dominate the airwaves, ‘Take The W’ stands as a refreshing counterpoint—a self-titled...
In the expanding universe of contemporary gospel, where soulful prowess meets a spiritual voyage, Odell Staggers' The Staggs Renaissance Group...
In the midst of the hip-hop industry, where the landscapes are as diverse as the artists themselves, emerges Rolondo Rich,...
Jazz, a genre that resists rigid definitions, has metamorphosed over time into countless manifestations, embodying an ever-evolving musical landscape. Motortaksi,...
Big Bus Dream, the brainchild of indie rock luminary Mike Shannon, takes us on a mesmerizing journey through the boundless...
His third LP features stripped-down acoustic covers of pop and rock hits, plus a selection of melodic acoustic originals meant...
In the ever-evolving realm of music, where artists strive to create groundbreaking works that transcend borders, Davido stands tall as...
Toronto-based comedian Emily Misura has announced the release of her debut comedy album Trigger Warning. It releases across all platforms...
What happens when you are able to capture the opinions of over eighty legendary music stars - past and present...
Mike Shannon, project leader behind Big Bus Dream, writes songs that feel nostalgic and complex - yet are as plain...
Mr.Reaper is a powerful, uncompromising hip-hop and rap artist from Woodbridge. He received widespread attention for his single “Thru The...
Rapper Dre'Shawn Jones, better known as J-SHWA, was originally born in Fort Wayne, IN. As a toddler, the absence of...
“Hypermode” is easily SC4Real’s magnum opus. He really poured his heart and soul into this project. This album really cements...
Lise-Bey is African American singer, songwriter and composer based in Maryland USA. She makes heartfelt music with soul, and her...
“This is a record of gratitude and love. Learning to love means a lot of things, and as the words...
Romajee is an American Artist who composes and produces his own music. Even though his music is considered to be...
Pops Jr. is an emcee who is obsessed with originality. With every verse he tries to push the limit of...
Netherlands based R&B pop sensation Sharmila has just dropped her latest album. The self titled album ‘Sharmila’ contains previously written...