After attending a friend’s cousin’s funeral, Jordan Ramble felt a strange void in his life, emptiness he wanted to be...
Electronic music producer Grimbit has been making music for about 13 years on and off in various bands, but nothing...
Don't be fooled, while this may not be food for the soul it is food for the ears. It serves...
Morwic is masterful with compositions that can come off as pure anticipation build to the uninitiated, an overly simple generalization...
Susan Fassbender (1959–1991) The album cover Building A Dream follows up the highly successful 2012 release Twilight Café - (The Demo Collection 1981-1985) which...
Guitar shredding instrumentalist Seismic Anamoly has released his 2 newest CD’s, “High Roller” and “Walkin’ The Line”. Each full-length CD...
Music Gorilla - A leading platform which connects artists with industry professionals in an innovative way, are proud to highlight...
The 500-pound Phish After Party: Kris Myers of Umphrey’s Mcgee joins Members of local Chicago bands at Double Door CHICAGO,...
Oakland, CA singer/songwriter Dxniel 2:9 (@DxnielTwoNine) uses a familiar melody while describing the "Killer In The Sky" with help of...
Mound Bayou, Mississippi born singer, songwriter, and producer James Jr. remakes former collaborating associates, The Isley Brothers, classic hit “Don’t Say Goodnight” with a “Zapp” twist....
Texas Native Jaye Valentine Kicks off Summer with Hot New Music; R&B Artist Challenges Women to Tap into Their “Alter...
Hicham Chahidi is a music composer and sound designer. Born in Agadir, a city on the Atlantic coast in south...
Chinx Phase is an up and coming rapper hailing from South London with Jamaican heritage which shows in my music....
Hameed Idowu is a 21 year old Nigerian born singer and songwriter. He released his freshmen EP, “Metanoia I” in...
Hollywood-based film composer and music producer Yang Zhang (also known as Zhang Yang, Chinese characters "张旸”) pursues a multi-faced career...
Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich; yet, a tragedy...
Vincent Sala is a French singer-songwriter based in Berlin, as a multi-instrumentalist he explores the mystery of the melodic world...
Upon hearing Bob Dylan for the first time, Sam Cooke, owner of an inarguably great singing voice, concluded that the...
See life as a game. That’s the key message of Xumbalu. As its founder Martin Schloegl is mostly into music,...