In the world of rock and metal, where raw emotion and musicality often collide in explosive ways, the collaboration between...
In the heartland of Oklahoma, where the endless plains meet the infinite sky, a musical wizard named Mike Bouchér, known...
In the heart of Oklahoma, where the vast expanse of the plains meets the boundless sky, resides an award-winning musical...
(Tulsa, Oklahoma) We’re excited to announce that Tulsa rap legend, Dangerous Rob will be a featured performer at this year’s...
In the internet age, music has undergone a radical transformation. Thanks to advancements in technology and the proliferation of streaming...
When an artist is on his ninth single release since 2021, you know his doing something right, and that’s exactly...
What has already been established, and proven on multiple occasions is that 3Mind Blight can sing, he can do a...
Tulsa, Oklahoma, multi-genre artist, 3Mind Blight continues to break boundaries on his latest intense, innovative single, “Subliminal”. The singer, rapper,...
While “Blight Side” does make strides in expanding what we expect from 3Mind Blight, it's also a culmination of how...
You probably think you know precisely what 3Mind Blight’s single, “Silenced By The Sound” is going to sound like. To...
I can vividly remember when I discovered 3Mind Blight in 2018 with the song “Paranoia”. I became instantly intrigued with...
3Mind Blight hails from Tulsa, Oklahoma. After 15 years’ experience as a music producer and multiple songwriting awards, he embarked...
Many people resort to toxic methods in order to cope with failed relationships and other chaotic situations, hence life has...
For those of you unfamiliar, 3Mind Blight is a ferociously proficient spitter from Tulsa, Oklahoma. Since 2018 he has proven...
Hailing from Tulsa Oklahoma, 3Mind Blight has carved out a stylistic niche that prevents him from being boxed into any of...
Rxse is a 24 year old artist from Tulsa, Oklahoma, who spends countless hours in his studio getting inspired and...
Tyler Brant is an Oklahoma native with a strong influence from not only Country but many different genres and styles...
Tyler Brant is an Oklahoma native with a strong influence from not only country but many different genres and styles...
Chicago-born and Oklahoma raised hip-hop artist, Youngin' has dropped the track ,, Produced by Obsession Beats & Shrewd. Youngin' is...