In the heart of Houston, Texas, emerges a multidisciplinary artist who defies conventional boundaries. Freak Show, a producer and singer...
Musician, entrepreneur, and visionary – Lorenzo Deray Bartholomew, also known as L-Fresh, is taking the music industry by storm with...
DaConstance is an artist who truly embodies the spirit of resilience and perseverance. As a single father of two, he...
Texas is home to many prominent musical figures across various genres, and Houston, in particular, has established itself as the...
Many rappers in the hip-hop industry are known for their rhyming, wordplay and storytelling talents, but very few artists are...
Jesse Green also known as MultiFace is an up and coming DJ, Producer, writer, and composer based in Houston, Texas....
Adept at standing on his own two without the need for coalescing with artists of varying calibers, Purple Activist not...
Petesimple dare to web a busy mix of jazz and roots Americana, with blues and jam-band flavors around florid vocals,...
Houston, Texas born and raised, Purple Activist, is heavily influenced by Travis Scott, Kid Cudi and Don Toliver. His latest...
West Ingston was born and raised in Houston, Texas. He makes experimental music that is heavily influenced by hip hop,...
They say music is food for the soul. Have you ever felt like some music makes you feel happy or...
Born and raised in Detroit, RACKIN RED moved to Atlanta in 1999 in pursuit of a music career. He hit...
Born in Houston, Texas, Kway's early artistic influences are expressed through his music, which is heavily fused with his experiences...
Hot new music that will have your speakers knocking like the police. "On Point (Mike B mix)" by female rapper,...
Ace-T the artist aka Tripleacetre the producer, is from Houston, TX. His styles and sounds are different from what you...
The legendary city of Houston has produced a number of artists that will go down in history as hip hop...
Rebel Saints is a new two-piece Goth hard rock band from Houston Texas, made up of Randy "VI" on Vocals...
Emcee Fresh is an emerging hip-hop artist and songwriter originating from Houston, Texas. Starting at a young age, music has...
About The Release SanteeForevrr releases ‘Like This’, a hip-hop/rap single that will captivate any listener. The release comes at you...