At the fulcrum of an evolving hip-hop scene, from Chicago, IL, comes Tony Ross, a multi-talented vocalist and rapper who...
A man of faith and a firm believer of just being yourself, Positive Vybez is an artist born in VA...
R&B, at least to some extent, is on a struggling road. The once prosperous genre has fallen off the rails...
Donnielle Savage who goes by the stage name YelleSavage, is an entrepreneur, singer, and model. Hailing from Saint Louis, MO,...
Tyler Knauff artistically known as T. Ka$h, is an independent musician, songwriter, podcaster, and business owner based out of San...
Pittsburgh, PA - Showoff Gang/Empire announced the signing of Banditfide Mafia to a deal with the trending imprint. The deal...
As a multi-instrumentalist, DJ and electronic artist, mredrollo is no stranger to live performance, appearing on stages around the world...
The fast-rising Pop and R&B star from India, Mallika Mehta aka the Adele of Mumbai, has been delivering a steady...
When a wide eyed yet novice university graduate released her 2014 debut album “Live Through Me,” she embarked on a...
Over the past few years, the alt-country band Six Time Losers has performed all over the Southeast with acts like...
Christian hip-hop is not a sub-genre. It had its start, back in the 80’s alongside the mainstream movement. There is...
Nerijus Glezekas (born 8 April 1985) is an American singer, musician and songwriter of the band The Relevant. He is...
‘Vanity’, a single from Sojourner For Truth & Ilumi Black brothers from Memphis, Tennessee, sojourning through life trying to find...
Pop and Dance are those categories on streaming platforms suspiciously full of those made up artists who aren’t really artists:...
Andrea Modellato better known as Modellato is an Italian record producer, audio theater director, and artist. After releasing 3 EPs...
I can vividly remember when I discovered 3Mind Blight in 2018 with the song “Paranoia”. I became instantly intrigued with...
Kevin Vieira is a talented Brazilian guitarist and composer who while still very young has more than 10 years of...
A drummer and drum teacher from Brazil, Caio Gaona records drum lines in movies, games and series soundtracks he is...
Loss was formed at the start of the pandemic situation, but don't be fooled by the young age of the...