KILJIN is a 4 piece Metal band out of Michigan. They have just released their 11 track debut album, “Master Of Illusion” which is now available on all major digital stores. One of the most remarkable things about this debut studio album is that the band manage to get practically everything right here. Shifting focus back to the roots of metal, KILJIN ramps up the intensity and volume in every way. Trevor Aumaugher on lead vocals explodes with a level of passion and exuberance that is nowhere to be found on any comparable records, while his guitar contributes some fiery solos. Tony Aumaugher drives his bass into the pocket of every song, while Scott Spencer on rhythm guitar delivers the beefiest riffs on the planet. Bryant Aumaugher ties it all together with his momentous and ever-steady percussive work.
- How long have you been performing and recording as KILJIN, and how did the project come together?
KILJIN: We are all musicians and have been touring Michigan with our former bands, and we are also huge metal heads. We wanted to start a new metal band with a twist. We started writing music for the album and recording almost immediately after we formed the band in early 2020.
- Who have been your major influences in your writing and playing style?
KILJIN: Some of our major influences would be kiss, Metallica, Megadeath, Ozzy, Dio, Iron Maiden, Queensryche, David Bowie, Black Sabbath, Scorpions, Motley Crue and more.
- If I was to turn on your media player right now, which artists/songs would I most likely to hear on your recently played list?
KILJIN: pry a little David Bowie, maybe some queen, Metallica, Dio. Been on an 80s metal kick lately. ALSO, our debut album, “Master of Illusion” would be on there as well.
- What do you feel are the key elements in your music that should resonate with rock and metal listeners?
KILJIN: Some elements of our music that I feel will grab a hold of listeners would be a bit of everything. We have powerful vocals, we have killer solos, we have hard hitting drums, we have smashing bass and insane riffs and more and I think once people start listening to our album and music, they won’t be able to turn it off.
- With the music industry always changing and evolving, what are the things you like and don’t like about it currently? And if you could change anything about it, what would it be?
KILJIN: Right now, we love how easy it is to get music to the fans via websites, digital platforms, YouTube and etc. The digital age has helps in many ways in allowing bands to distribute their music in many ways and allow the fans to listen and view their music on all sorts of platforms. ONE THING I would love to see is record labels start sending out the scouts! A LOT of talent out there and I think if we get rid of the term, “SCOLICITAION” and start scouting for new talent and ideas, the music scene and industry would start to do a 180 and start to return to greatness again. HOWEVER, as I said before with the digital age in the year 2020, it’s a lot easier for bands and musicians to DO IT THEMSELVES and become successful themselves without a label. I think now a days bands just want to be recognized for their talent and want to be able to make a living doing what they love to do. Fame and fortune is nice, but it’s nicer to just have fun and be able to actually make a living doing something you are good at and what you truly love to do.
- What’s your view on the current state of rock and metal in general?
KILJIN: We feel Metal and rock has never been lost! It’s always been their lurking and waiting. Right now the situation is great. I feel metal and rock are starting to come back more than ever. People are sick of the crap and are ready to get back to when music was at its finest and meant something. PLUS, let’s not forget, that Metal heads and Metal fans are the most loyal fans in the world! It’s time to rock again!
- Do you ever write a song with current musical trends, formulas or listener satisfaction in mind, or do you simply write, focused on the band’s own vision?
KILJIN: We just write tunes. We take our feelings, our hearts and souls and put them all into every song we write. You could even kind of say every song is like a diary and/or a story. We try and provoke a thought and add intense imagination to every song we write so when you listen to our music and listen to the lyrics, you feel like you are there, living the experience.
- Could you describe your creative processes? How do start, and go about shaping ideas into a completed song? Is it a democratic process between the members, and who does what?
KILJIN: All of our writing styles are the same, which is, we write music, most of the time, individually. Someone will come up with an idea, or a riff and then when we get together, we use that and add on to that idea and go from there.
- Where do you do most of your recording and production work?
KILJIN: We record, produce, mix and master all of our own music in our recording studio, Clean It Up productions and Studio. We love doing it ourselves and it’s a lot of fun. We can spend hours in the studio and it seems like minutes.
- What would you consider a successful, proud or significant point for KILJIN so far?
KILJIN: Getting the album finished and distributed on every digital and music platform. We are very proud of our debut album, “Master of Illusion” and we feel everyone will enjoy it very much. We put a lot of work into it and was a lot of fun doing it and I think it shows in the recordings. Every song has a cool feel and will immerse you into a new world.
- If someone has never heard your music, which 5 keywords would you personally use to describe your music?
KILJIN: exciting, powerful, unusual, unique, imaginative
- Is there a particular song on your debut album “Masters of Illusion”, in which you feel the band delivered its most perfect performance, on all levels, to date? And is there maybe one song that you keep thinking you should have done a little differently in some way?
KILJIN: That’s hard because we feel every song turned out great and our fav always changes. BUT, right now, pry a tossup between Master of Illusion, Impaler, Path of the Warlock or Beard of Wizard. It’s a tough one. Can’t really say what we would have done differently. Were pretty happy with what the end result was.
- How long did you take to complete the album from its conception to release date, and which song took up the most time to record on the album?
KILJIN: A lot of the songs we already had written and ready to record. We are constantly writing music and have a lot of music ready for production. This album took about 1 year from conception to release date. Master of Illusion took the most time to record.
- What do you feel makes “Masters of Illusion” standout in the current rock and metal markets?
KILJIN: We feel this KILJIN and our debut album, “Master of Illusion” stands out right now, because it is the perfect blend EVERYTHING. It has the perfect blend of vocals, guitars, bass, drums and more. It’s the perfect blend of Heavy Metal chaos, BUT with its own style and unique twist. Listen to our album and you will see!
- Do you have a personal favorite track amongst the tracks on the album that has a specific backstory and/or message and meaning very special to the band?
KILJIN: Master of Illusion is pry one of our favs because of the meaning. The meaning being, that our reality is false and there are “OTHERS” who try and influence your perception of time, space and reality itself. You have to see through the confusion and stop their intrusion, and you have be the master of your own illusion. It’s the only way.
- Creative work in studio environment, or interaction with a live audience? Which of these two do you ultimately prefer and why?
KILJIN: love them both in different ways. We love being in the studio creating new music and recording new music. BUT, we love performing and entertaining for a HUGE crowd of people. We love the roar of the crowd and there is no better feeling then when you have tons of people going crazy and appreciating the hard work and blood and sweat and tears we put into all of this, because it’s all for YOU, our fans!!
- What’s your favorite motto, phrase or piece of advice, you try to live or inspire yourself by?
KILJIN: HERE are two of our favs, “We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams” and “Sing as though NO ONE can hear you”.
- How essential do you think video is in relation to your music? Do you have a video you would suggest fans see, to get a better understanding of your craft?
KILJIN: I think music videos and live videos have played a HUGE and important part in musicians’ careers. The point of a music video, is to promote that song because a visual will help people get into the music and sometimes understand the meaning. Everyone loves a good movie, and there is no exception to that when it comes to music videos. We, as people, want to see something visually exciting, and so when you put a video behind music, it makes it more fun and interesting and helps people see another side of that song or musician that they might not have seen or realized.
- As a band, do you have a specific musical vision or goal that you want to achieve in the near future?
KILJIN: FIRST thing is FIRST. We, as a band, told ourselves a long time ago, it’s all about the fun! Most important thing is, to have fun!! As long as we are having fun doing something we love to do, then it makes it all worth it.
AND we are having fun, so, as far as I’m concerned, we have completed our goal. Thanks
OFFICIAL LINKS: WEBSITE – SOUNDCLOUD – SPOTIFY – ITUNES You can also find the band on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
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