The enigmatic and creative duo, made up of German composer & producer Tom Aries, and Canadian writer & singer, Jordana...
Nathan Riese is an 18 year old singer, rapper, and producer from Fort Worth, Texas. He has been making music...
Mad Madam Em began her musical journey in 2003, playing bass for the San Diego based industrial / electro band...
Genius isn't a word I often throw around when describing music, but genius is the only fitting word to describe...
Shaun Oster AKA Doublehead is a Drummer, Singer, and Composer. Deeply studied in Jazz drumset, he weaves unique rhythms into his electronic funky music. Influenced...
Ex-Sony Music, Spanish-born DJ and Producer Kramnik, returns with a handful of live session musicians that provide guitars, harmonicas, trumpet...
Unsigned artist, Madcatter, is from Longview, Texas. He is heavily involved in the trap/trip-hop music scene. Madcatter is also part...