Across The Board is an award-winning Canadian rock band from Toronto, Ontario. Formed in 2013, Across The Board quickly gained...
“A suicide is like a pebble in a pond. The waves ripple outward.” When someone chooses to end their own...
Born and raised in southern Oklahoma, William Ben Brooks may sound like a new name to the uninitiated, but the...
Portland OR collective, Scarlett Siren & The Howlin’ Tramps, have a passion for rock, blues and jazz dressed up Burlesque...
A couple of years ago, the bands to emulate in modern rock were those that flooded the radios with wickedly...
Mutlu Onaral is an artist that transcends his era, yet he still doesn’t get the fanfare he deserves in mainstream....
Proud of his Italian heritage and his role in the LGTBQ community as a queer artist, Scotty Seed is a...
Clad in a black leather cowboy hat and sporting a long, pointed beard, Dudley Taft picks up his guitar, retrieves...
Sha-La Music, Inc. recently announced the worldwide release of the new two-song digital single “One More Chance” by US project...
The 16 year old Colorado-based artist Riley Schmelzer has been creating music since the age of 14. His project No...
Silver is Greg Gilmore (vocals, guitar) Jeff Knight (drums), Brendon Lund (bass), Adam Landis (keys) and Josh Kisor (lead guitar.)...
Two years after the release of their impressive double debut albums A Voice in the Wilderness Volume 1 & 2...
Emmy Award winning Production Partners, Inc./Cowboy Records (Burbank) is proud to announce the debut of their recently signed artist, Rob...
Rasha Jay has released her second single off of her new EP of the same name, "High Dive". The New...
The Unwriters is a four piece band from 4 different countries (France, Italy, UK, USA) that launched in 2018. Described...
Born and raised in Upstate New York, singer-songwriter Stephen Babcock began writing songs as early as 13 years old, his...
Garry George Wilkes is a musician from Portland, OR. He is fluent in many musical genres including pop, rock, classical...
Austin Findley is from the Midwest. Born on August 13th, 1997 to a family from the country, He was raised...
“So Sorry” is the 10th single release by the two seasoned industry professionals - Anthony Casuccio and Lana Marie, better...