The French project Pastobal, started out as a duo and has grown into a small crew committed to serving their...
Shower Me Blue is a global gumbo of original, ‘heavy Blues Rock’ - a power trio (gran trio rock énergétique)...
Instrumental rock guitarist Mike Dekleva has released his second four song EP, “Psychedelia”,on Friday, November 9, 2018. This is the...
The single, “Shadow Of Your Heart” is a successful demonstration of the progression of Newborn as a band. With emblematic...
Ed Hale’s upwards trajectory continues unabated with the release of his latest album “So For Real”, which was released via...
Towards Zero is a band from Ceres, CA, who have released their debut EP entitled “Reveries”. What the band has...
Hailing from Tulsa Oklahoma, 3Mind Blight had humble beginnings in the late 90's, with Boom Bap Rap and the Grunge...
Chile Colorado: the super-tight, powerful and inventive three piece rock band from Monterey, California, have released a new video for...
Whitney Lusk is a homegrown Country Artist from Utah. From the age of 3 she has been belting out every...
Chris Calamera’s songwriting and production is what distances him from his pop and rock peer group. He isn't too big...
In the midst of his highly-anticipated Fall Tour, which includes U.S. and U.K. dates and even a show with multi-platinum...
Harmless Habit sound as confident as a band that have already paid their dues, and established a sound that is...
The brand new album “iAwake”, presents a new wave of Psychedelic & Electronic Hiphop and Rock, entirely written, produced, and...
DirtyHarvard has recently announced that they are all set to release their new hood pop album. They have already released...
The New York City based Exit 22 Music takes Rock and RnB to the next level, and gives us a...
Notwithstanding all the genre upheaval and the music industry being turned on its head by the advancement of technology, southern-fried...
Love Ghost is an alternative rock band from Los Angeles. While young in age (two of them are juniors in...
"Roll on Down" is a really interesting album by The Cabin Fevers. If you like the music of the Black...
The brand new single by Michael Burrows, ‘Please Don't Cry’, taken from his debut EP 'Turn This Love Around', comes...