Born on April 17, 2008, Bruklin is quickly becoming a name to remember in the pop music scene. This young...
New Jersey
A captivating ensemble from the heartlands of New Jersey has emerged, bearing the name Lovers and Cowboys. Since their formation...
In the realm of Christian music, where souls seek solace and spirits long to soar, a remarkable talent emerges, captivating...
New Milford, New Jersey, has birthed a luminary, an artist whose passion for music transcends boundaries and his resonating melodies...
Music has always been a universal language that connects people from different backgrounds. Maithili Raelle is a talented young singer...
Roberto Esteban Moncada aka REM-31 is a 22-year-old artist born in Perth Amboy, New Jersey, USA, from Puerto Rican and...
Deuce Guttah & Par-iZ have been making music since their teenage years with an emphasis on Hip-hop and R&B. Both...
Supported by a mellifluous production, YM is able to reach his maximum potential on the single ‘Pressure’ ft. Charli. He...
The Kings County-born Bri Ski Lavon was steadfastly on his path to cracking the Drill music code at the beginning...
D. Anthem in “The Butterfly Effect” rises to meet the ever testing patience factor in individual growth within relationships; rapping...
24-year-old Q Nitty is an independent recording artist from New Jersey. He has accumulated over 1,200 hours in a professional...
Dom Okon is a music producer and writer. He has a new release called “Youthly” that will be coming out...
Kingg Splashh born August 25th, 1994 is a music recording artist from Newark, New Jersey. Kingg has a LLC called...
In a universe surrounded by music, 25 year-old award winning singer-songwriter, Taylor Tote grew up in Tinton Falls, New Jersey....
Singer Em is Set to Ascend the Charts in Soulful Shades of Goth Pop with Hypnotic Single/Video “Say What You...
Wolf & Key are a post rock band from northern New Jersey. Currently they have released two singles “Drift” and...
J-Carter is back with his 4th album, entitled “Hip-Hop Til I Die”. Set to drop at the end of July,...
Zilla F. Baby is a Musical artist out of New Jersey, Originally from Hillside, now in Somerville. He is an avid...
“A suicide is like a pebble in a pond. The waves ripple outward.” When someone chooses to end their own...