In the pulsating heart of Chicago's techno scene, Horacio Powder stands as a beacon of creativity and purpose. Known for...
Chicago, the vibrant epicenter of rap and hip-hop culture, has consistently produced artists who have left an indelible mark on...
In the kingdom of PopGospel music, where faith, devotion, and musical innovation converge, stands the remarkable figure of Tim Young....
Chicago's own Maxo Pardo, a captivating singer-songwriter, producer, and advocate for therapy, teen mentorship, and music education, has graced us...
Born and raised in Chicago, Persius has been a fan of hip-hop and rap since he was in the womb....
Chicago's own HenniDaPoet is making a name for himself in the indie rap and hip-hop world with his latest album...
Sarantos is a unique singer-songwriter known for his fresh monthly single and video releases. His first release of 2023 is...
Rich Young is an artist and producer from Chicago, IL. He started making music during the 2020 pandemic, and released...
Chicago’s rap scene is constantly evolving. Over the years, a wide range of notable hip-hop artists from area have churned...
Signed to, and distributed by, Arucca Flyboy, the Bettiegang Twins recently reached the DRT-Digital Radio Tracker Charts, and earned their...
As a young child, Tyran Maxey turned to writing, music, and his faith in order to deal with the level...
Sherry Amour does more than sing on her single, “Changing,” she touches the heart and speaks to the soul. Chicago,...
Bi6 Steph is from the Southside of Chicago, and started rapping when he was 3. Now 18 years old, his life...
Bi6 Steph is from the Southside of Chicago, and started rapping when he was 3. Now 18 years old, his...
Shayan Ali who goes by the moniker of ZINGA, a singer-songwriter who doesn’t confine himself to any one genre, was...
Chicago musician Sarantos releases "Love Always Wins" on February 1st, 2022. It's the follow-up to his UK iTunes hit, "A...
In a musical realm like hip-hop, the rate of creation helps ensure that new music is always available – that...
Coming from the City of Chicago to the mainstream is the seasoned underground hip hop veteran Tyran Maxey also has...
King Chosen1 is a music recording artist from Chicago IL. King is twenty-seven years old and started making music at...