In the tumultuous realm of musical creation, embarking on a second album is akin to setting sail on a tempestuous...
In the heart of the San Francisco Bay Area, a rising star is ready to grace the music scene with...
Caleb Chronic, the heavy metal band that has been seamlessly blending in electronic, rap, and dubstep elements into their music,...
Bo Dean, the Saint Louis native, has been making waves in the music industry with his unique sound and unparalleled...
With his trusty ukulele and a voice that cuts straight to the soul, Wanaka is a rising star in the...
At only 22 years old, TOROislame is already making a name for himself in the alternative rap scene with his...
Enter the multitalented Demigod Erickque, the latest artist poised to set the music world ablaze with his electrifying energy and...
Introducing Ozzy Tapan, a multi-talented musician who has been taking the pop, rock, and hip-hop genres by storm. With a...
The world of rock and roll is always on the lookout for new and exciting talent, and with his latest...
MNERVA exudes an unabashed confidence, reveling in his gift of gab without reservation. With a razor-sharp wit that cuts through...
Scott Thompson is an electrifying force to be reckoned with in the vibrant music scene of Southern Florida. From a...
KAZIKV is 28 year old artist from Florida who grew up obsessed with Eazy-E and Eminem, and their influences are...
Foxx, the Yonkers New York native, now residing in Moncton, New Brunswick Canada previously known as Michael J. Foxx, has...
Meet Rossco, a 19-year-old artist hailing from Lynn, Massachusetts - a city located just north of Boston. For the past...
Anjalts, the prodigious songwriter and producer, is a force to be reckoned with in the music industry. Her latest album,...
“48 Bars” produced by Ramoney, is a single off the upcoming project “Change is Good” by Tony Backwoods, which drops...
Los Angeles, CA - Ben Ghaxi, a natural-born performer and musical genius, has risen to prominence with his passion for...
Nashville-based pop-alt-rock artist and songwriter Lindsey has released a powerful new single, "Save Me," that delves into her struggles with...
Listening to good music is not always easy. While there are many different artists, sometimes it feels like you can't...