Based in the creative heart of New York, singer-songwriter Chris Suswal, simply known as Suswal, is steadily building his catalog...
alternative rock
As bands and artists mature, and move forward, they are expected to head for softer pastures, sanding down their sonic...
“Call to the Aliens” is the opening track to the self-titled debut album by Houston, Texas based alternative rock band,...
“Until The End” falls into a metal-meets-alternative rock category that grips you from beginning to end. The rock just keeps...
“This Circus is a Funeral” is a passionate, rousing and astonishingly focused album by The Meanwhile - a postmodern rock...
As measured by the orgasmic-rock-meter, the slow-burning single “Vertigo” by alternative rock band, Fangbanger is a fierce, intensely hot listening...
You probably think you know precisely what 3Mind Blight’s single, “Silenced By The Sound” is going to sound like. To...
Radio Mafia are a 5-piece band originating in Ireland. With songs ranging from death-influenced grunge, to finger clicking swing, they...
Listening to any Nelson King record is an immersive experience. Few are able to match his exact blend of wit and...
ToMiK is a 3-time Award-winning rock duo from Halle in Germany. They won awards in the categories "Best Rock Band",...
HXRMER is a 21-year-old artist from South East England. His musical palette stretches from rap to alternative rock and from...
The true scope L.A. punk rock group, Social Distance’s talent, is most prevalent in their single “I’m Outside Your House”. With...
“A State of Mental Confusion”, the album by the French –Portuguese band Insane Blue, has an uncanniness, a captivatingly innovative...
The album “Relationships 2” which features collaboration work with Matt Cowley, Tania Sheratte and Hazze Wazeen, certifies that Rockidle constructs...
Balance, beauty, bone-crushing grit and superlative technique, are all to be found in the lush sounds of “New Worlds and...
Winchester 7 & the Runners may not have invented indie alternative rock, but they certainly know how to put it...
The long-standing duo is joined by rapper R Reed on this genre bending track. Since emerging with their first album...
Petesimple dare to web a busy mix of jazz and roots Americana, with blues and jam-band flavors around florid vocals,...
Those familiar with Rockidle’s previous and more recent works will know within a few seconds of “Autumn Air” that this...