When Allianza first signed with Ace Spin Records, she brought with her a maturity behind her years, taking provocative soul songs to...
The SLVR Tongues met at a Western bar on the Sunset Strip in Hollywood, California. It all started when Hannah...
Whether you've been on board with Wayne Jewett since his earliest releases or if you’ve cottoned on to him now with...
Kasha Rhyma is a Jamaican Reggae artist, song writer, music producer and owner of his own record label, ‘Seven Day...
On September 9th the prolific musician and songwriter Jupiter In Velvet will release a ground-breaking new album entitled 'The ONE...
In the '60s and '70s, it was very common for songs to be written and sang about drug usage. During...
Steven Deal and Lisa Hammer have joined forces in Radiana. Deal composed and plays lead guitar and drums, while Hammer...
1st Release in 14 Years Northport N.Y. - M.C. Records is thrilled to welcome back The Queen of Blues/Rock guitar...
New York, N.Y. – Music production house duo Soul Science Lab to release their debut album, Plan for Paradise, and...
Lockjaw Smile is an Alternative Rock band from North of Boston, Massachusetts. The band consisting of Tony Thanos (Guitar/Vox), Andrew Ware (Bass/Vox), Bill Douty...
Friday, August 19 - the independent singer songwriter Emy Cee will return to music with a dynamic new single entitled...
Sometimes to understand the present or even the future, we need to look back at what came before. 2013 saw...
Hip-hop lyricist Michelle Cadreau has developed a writing and rapping style with both subtlety and introspection to reflect her Native...
Dxniel 2:9 Speaks on the dysfunctions in his generations idea of Love and why it's hard for him to fall...
The American Pioneer Singers jumped to the forefront in 2013, creating a concept album on the bitter Election campaign of 1864 between...
Donny Richmond - July 2016 When it comes to being a well-rounded, multi-talented entertainer and performer, Donny Richmond exemplifies the...
Artist Ray Bruvva C has been in the rap game for about 3 years now coming out of London, Ontario,...
– Dee Wiz and Universal Sounds Inc. are thrilled to announce the exciting release of the exclusive hit single, “Gonna...
Dominik Kwolek aka DJ Domo was born in Czech Republic. Kwolek who has been interested in music since he was a young...