In an era where musical authenticity often feels like an endangered species, DownTown Mystic emerges as a shining beacon of...
roots rock
In a bold pivot from his illustrious career as an award-winning film producer and social entrepreneur, David Belle has channeled...
Sha-La Music Inc. has done it again with the announcement of the highly-anticipated ‘AmeriKarma’ album by US Roots Rocker DownTown...
Mike Shannon, project leader behind Big Bus Dream, writes songs that feel nostalgic and complex - yet are as plain...
The Welcome To Sha-La Land album, featuring songs by DownTown Mystic, Bruce Engler, The Discontent and Monte Farber The 4th of December saw the...
Canadian melodic roots rocker Cory M. Coons is no stranger to the music awards podium. His singles have earned him...
“Premiere. Farewell.” Is the first solo album produced by Rob Ashley, after almost three decades of work in the New...
The Jay Kipps Band made up of Jay Kipps (Vocals, Harmonica, Guitar), Chad Burford (Lead Guitars), Chris Lubker (Bass, Backup Vocals) and Cory Bruyea (Drums), delivers...
If there's one thing you can say about Billy Roberts and the Rough Riders, it's this: he's got taste, style,...
Eddy Mann is a musician, songwriter, worship leader, teacher, speaker, coach, husband, and father. Eddy's led worship for over fifteen...