In the quaint town of Kirkkonummi, Finland, an enigmatic figure has reemerged onto the electronic music scene, bringing with him...
Originated from Pori Finland comes an artist who combines high belly synths with a dash of Rock & Roll, EDM...
The album “Relationships 2” which features collaboration work with Matt Cowley, Tania Sheratte and Hazze Wazeen, certifies that Rockidle constructs...
The fact that rappers are emerging at much younger ages today, should is no surprise. That many are coming from...
Clearly singer-songwriter Derek Hagan, better known as Rockidle is working in a realm in which he seems very well-suited. Hearing him...
Rockidle is singer-songwriter Derek Hagan, now living in Finland. He has worked on 3 collections of songs previously - "Sunny...
The Impersonators was a duo formed back in 2017 after the breakup of Tom Tikka’s former band, Carmen Gray, considered...
Music has long been part of the cultural phenomenon of Christmas. Perhaps there’s no holiday worldwide with more music than...
Having previously been signed to Sony/BMG with Carmen Gray, one of Finland’s finest rock bands, Tom Tikka has formed The...
I know Elmo Karjalainen as a metal rocker, but he is a musical chameleon. He is an amazing musical arranger,...
Elmo Karjalainen is a ‘guitarist’s guitarist’ who revels in a self-penned musical hybrid shot through with intensity and precision. His...
Blue Moon Harem delivers a coherent, bittersweet mixture of upbeat rock songs and meaningful, heart-warming ballads that are all epitomized by...
What is there not to love about Elmo Karjalainen’s album “Where We Belong”? A master musician pulls up a chair...
Seagrave was founded by Petri Isomäki, Vesa Kolu and Karri Tiljander in 2004. The band began traditionally by playing cover...
Elmo Karjalainen is a guitar player from Finland, rated as one of the best rock guitar players in his home...
In the Northern European marketplace there are countless great melodic-metal acts, Finnish band Exiled Genesis is no exception. The band,...