Briskii & Sloff, the dynamic duo comprising the budding UK hip-hop virtuosos Brian Hudson and Samuel Ward, have long been...
In a world where vulnerability is often shunned, where artists are hesitant to reveal their innermost struggles, one creative storyteller...
In the gritty streets of Birmingham, UK, where the beats reverberate through the urban jungle, a lyrical force of nature...
DXL, a Birmingham (UK) native, has been cultivating his craft in production for over a decade. He's honed his unique...
G.T.B. Kartel is a rising hip-hop duo hailing from the streets of Birmingham, Alabama. Comprised of two talented brothers, GTB...
Let's be honest about Alabama’s rap scene: The state is full of creative talent, most of it unheralded. Yet over...
Birmingham’s Austin Riddle is an interesting artist. He manages to blend hip-hop elements with pop in a flawless smooth manner....
Matthew Carroll is a singer, band leader, and song writer based out of Birmingham, Alabama. His debut album, ‘Left To...
You can’t write about underground or independent hip-hop and not write about King Draper. Or at least I seemingly can’t....
Born Adrian Duval Owen II in Birmingham, AL, King Draper has released his latest 3-track EP entitled “Atmosphere”. He solidified...