At the tender age of 13, Olivier Delcroix embarked upon a journey into the realm of music that would shape...
Rick Jamm
The International Songwriting Competition (ISC), one of the most popular contests in the World, last week announced the 2022 semi-finalists. The...
Fox Nigon raises the level again with "My Love Is True", new single not to be missed! "My Love Is...
America to Belarus brings a new international music collaboration and friendship born on Facebook Zanna Records has announced the...
Nigerian-born artist Chinedu Nwaziri, better known as "CHANIDU," is taking the music scene by storm with his unique blend of...
LilPablo is the new artist outta Aiken SC. Lil Pablo is a budding rap talent noted for his unrivalled flow...
Mr.Reaper, a seasoned hip-hop artist based in Woodbridge, VA, has always been uncompromising in his craft. His latest single, "Ballad...
Carl Davis, alias BlackLight, has been shining the light on some astonishing EDM-inspired melodies to engineer music that reaches the...
MillyGotIt, the Mott Haven native, has made a thunderous debut with her first EP "Milly's World" under the Most Prolific...
When it comes to rap groups from the Bronx that bring the heat with authentic lyrics, there are a few...
Hailing from the inner city of Brooklyn, New York, Lil 808z is making waves as a rising super producer and...
Vickie Byer, famously known as "Uncle Vickie" to the world, was born and brought up in Brooklyn, New York. She...
Jamsphere Indie Music Magazine February 2023 - FEATURED THIS MONTH - Joelid, Maithili Raelle, Wes Dean, SoundMixer Abder, Von Schrader...
Los Angeles, CA - Ben Ghaxi, a natural-born performer and musical genius, has risen to prominence with his passion for...
Enrico Milano's "What's Up!" is an upbeat and groovy tune that offers surefire dancefloor appeal. The track has a strong...
Music is an art that speaks to the heart and mind, transcending all barriers of language and culture. It touches...
Hip-hop is a genre that has been around for decades, and over the years, it has evolved and taken on...
'Tell Me Why' Has Officially Been Released! After many months of working on this project to raise awareness for knife...
Kaitie Wade is expanding into the Christian music scene with her newest release “Revival.” The Seattle native has stuck to...