DirtE: “Pounds (Ounces remix)” – a nice blend of introspective, hardcore and emotional rhymes

The best thing about “Pounds (Ounces remix)” is that it’s so dark and it stays dark using a series of implicative lyrics. Rappers today tend to just outright say stupid things, DirtE lets you guess for yourself, and that makes this track good. DirtE is an aspiring Hip-Hop artist from Chicago, Illinois, who started making music about two years ago.

Growing up in Chicago taught him many lessons and forms of survival. “One thing that I have picked up along my experiences,” says the rapper, “is the importance of being humble; and it is with great humility that I can say that I am here to change Hip-Hop.”

dirte-coverWhen you hear this song your heart starts to race with a sense of excitement akin to embarking on a grand adventure. The urgency and passion laced within DirtE’s vocals drill straight through your chest cavity and strike a chord in your heart you never knew you had.

You feel in doubt instantaneously, like anything could happen at any moment and no one knows whether or not that is good thing but you forge ahead nonetheless, immersing yourself in this slow jam.

DirtE has a nice blend of introspective, hardcore, and emotional rhymes, and it doesn’t get redundant at any time. His lyrics are great throughout and the production is rugged and dark. DirtE’s full-pitched vocal flow is distinct and crystal clear.

You can’t say you never heard a word or understood a phrase, as that just doesn’t happen here. DirtE’s almost melancholic realism can speak to anyone. This project is able to simultaneously turn the party up and cause its listeners to think introspectively about its lyrical concept as a whole.

If you are a hard core hip hop fan and you’re tired of overplayed pop lyricism heard on the radio this track will change your mind about the genre. DirtE is able to convey emotion, tell a compelling story and all at the same time make a banger. When you purchase hip-hop music or listen to a newly released track for the first time, this is what you are hoping to get!

“Pounds (Ounces remix)” is the new single from DirtE of Tha Godz affiliated with SoRawENT off his new mixtape ‘Pieces of Peace’ available on SoundCloud.


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