Jeron Benito Champagne JR also known as JChampion is an aspiring American rap/ Hip-Hop artist who holds immense passion for music and everything that comes along with it. JChampion was born in a Gainesville, TX prison to a Black American father and a Puerto Rican/Brazilian mother. Growing up, Jchampion had to face a fair share of hardships and struggles in his life which in a manner motivated and inspired him to pursue his passion for music and ultimately led him to tail a career as a Rap artist. Jchampion always had a mindset of an impeccable artist and was geared up with the remarkable ability to adapt and write captivating and moving songs. This lyrical ability blended up with the experience of his life has assisted him in paving his own way to success. Jchampions greatest influences include rap artists such as Kurrupt, Jay- Z, and DMX, whose work lured him into writing songs and introduced him to the lyricist side of him. The brand Menace League is the latest endeavor of JChampion which he formulated with the single objective in mind to educate guide, motivate, and inspire the masses. Jchampion is not only in the pursuit of success but he dreams that his story could act as the blueprint for other aspiring artist to follow.
- How long have you been in the music business and how did you get started in the first place?
JChampion: I’ve been in the Music Business for many Moons, I started rapping for fun just freestyling with friends and I had got some golden advice from a friend to start writing. And from that point I started working on my craft, I then took my grind to the streets and started getting a little buzz and the feedback then prompted me to start trying to take it to bigger levels
- Who were your first and strongest musical influences that you can remember?
JChampion: my last few interviews I did with other publications, I kind of mentioned some of the same names, but honestly I’ve had so many artist musically touch my soul, so just to name a few ill start with Stack bundles, his hunger really motivated me like no other, he built his name from the ground up and created a movement that had people screaming SQQQQQQuad Up!!!!!!! Worldwide, The next one on my list is Tupac, I swear I thought I was his biggest fan, I listened to everything he put out I would go into music stores and just jam out to his stuff, and when his untimely demised occurred I was on the hunt for every bootleg Makaveli that dropped lol
- Which artists are you currently listening to?
JChampion: Right now I’ve really been listening to Nipsey Hussle. I’ve been bumping nip for a minute, but his new album victory lap is beyond on par, I love Mayer Hawthrone, his music is so soooooulful and filled with positive vibes, it gets mind right daily, And Meek Mill, his music just keeps getting greater, everything he drops is A1.
- What do you feel are the key elements people should be getting out of your music?
JChampion: The Mark of A champion, the soul of a Gangster, a hustlers ambition, and the overall msg to never give up, know what you want and cease it.
- What do you think separates you from the crowd of artists emerging right now?
JChampion: My business techniques, I not only know how to create a good product, I also know how to market it and sale it, and I feel a lot of artist right now lack on that part and are more concerned with just trying to be heard, they think just because your song is dope its gonna blow, and in some cases that’s a fact but in more cases the fact is you got to work hard to get your music to the right ears, its more than just uploading and sharing links, there’s a whole Algorithm of dynamics of just pure trial and error strategies that have to be put in motion, it’s a lot of crossing T’s and dotting I’s involved.
- Do you currently have a preferred song in your catalog, and why is it special to you?
JChampion: It’s a song Called ‘’Rain’’ it’s a dedication song that I made for my little Brother Dom who was murdered, I literally shed tears during the creation of that song. It took me a year to find the right beat, I had someone create it from scratch and after I felt it was perfect I then just poured out a lot of the sentimental pain and grief I had bottled up, there’s nothing more hurtful than losing your best friend.
- Are your lyrics predominantly based on real events and personal experiences, or are they drawn from your creative storytelling skills?
JChampion: All My lyrics come from 100% pure Real events, everything I rap about, I did, or still doing or will do, I most definitely add the creative story telling touch, but everything is coming from an organic place.
- What would you consider a successful, proud or high point in your career so far?
JChampion: One of the things I would say is the paycheck from my streams, as hard work pays off!!!!! The others, is getting the opportunity to meet some of my heroes, and rock the stage at packed out events, and right now at this very moment getting this humongous opportunity to be interviewed on your Gigantic Platform, it’s an honor to be on The Rick Jamm forum.
- What has been the most difficult thing you’ve had to endure in your life or music so far?
JChampion: In life, I would say mostly evading the negative results that come with breaking new Ground, I was once told that a man makes a masterplan and God laughs, but I’m focused and I know how get to where I’m going, and plus I’m not worried about nothing. I know God got me…. And musically, I would just say learning the business, and understanding a mouth will say anything. I just listen, learn, filter, and try my best, what you desire desires you.
- What key ingredients do you always try and infuse into your songs, regardless of style or tempo?
JChampion: Lyricism and substance I want the listener to hear the hunger and feel the passion, every time.
- Do you produce the beats and write all the lyrics on your songs or do you collaborate with outside sources in any of these cases?
JChampion: I do not physically make the beat, but I articulate my vision and my producers always abstract it from my brain like they can hear what I’m hearing in my head, big Shouts out to My Partner in Crime 24Seven, and when it comes to writing I write every letter in the bar, always have always will, I’m all the way down with ghost writing for someone I’m just not going to have someone do it for me.
- Tell us something about the scope of the Menace League brand?
JChampion: My Team of brand strategist combine business, marketing, communications to develop meaningful differentiated and authentic Music, clothes etc. we don’t just come up with what’s cool, we craft the message, we’ve seen firsthand how the power of branding can elevate our commodity to a valued customer, Menace League’s goal at the end of the day’s main Aim is to become a house hold name
- Which aspect of being an independent artist and the music making process excites you most and which aspect discourages you most?
JChampion: The suspense of wondering if I hit the target, when I create I create with a fan’s response in mind, sometimes it’s to make them laugh or even cry, that’s what excites me most in the creative process, the thought of hitting the target, and the discouragement I ever feel, is me criticizing myself, I always feel like I could of wrote it a little better
- If you had the opportunity to change one thing about how the music business works right now, what would that be?
JChampion: I guess it would be revamping some of the labels that no longer exist, I’m fine on the construct of how it works. You can either put your destiny in your own hands, and make your dreams come true, or get signed and do the same.
- If someone has never heard your music, which keywords would you personally use to describe your overall sound and style?
JChampion: Emerging emcee out of Dfw Texas, known for my distinctive versatile style and grassroots approach.
- Do you consider Internet and all the social media websites as fundamental in building a career in music today, and what is your personal relationship with the new technology at hand?
JChampion: I feel it helps out tremendously, it gets people globally involved with you, and more likely to invest in a person or brand, it’s the easiest access to anything in this day and age, and my personal relationship has been being able to expand, reach lands and time zones that were once out of reach, I’ve personally have benefitted from the internet and social media undoubtedly.
- Tell us something about your latest release and where fans can find it.
JChampion: Menace Til I’m Finished is the first single off Menace Leagues Group Project, it’s just a little big taste of what’s to come, and its available Now on all the major distribution platforms, iTunes, Spotify, Google play store etc.
- What is your relationship with visual media? Do you think videos are important for your music? Do you have a video you would recommend fans checkout so they can get in to what you’re doing?
JChampion: I feel people are more into visuals then anything, its most definitely a key factor to having a successful song, people hear the song and that’s one thing but when they see it and its done right shhhhhhtttt you in there like swim wear, and right now I would say check out My video ‘’Better than you’’, its visually dope, it was shot by Rashad Goff one of the best videographers in the metroplex.
- Do you prefer working and creating in a studio environment, or performing live in front of an audience?
JChampion: Both, I’m truly a fan of both, the engineering creative part in the studio is fun, and then performing live and seeing people vibe and react to your creation is beyond incredible
- What’s next on the upcoming agenda for JChampion?
JChampion: Doing everything in my power to let anyone who doesn’t know who the Menace League is, know we’re coming #Chea!!!!!
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