The father-son duo managed to capture the true energy of rock. Hailing from Florida, Dream Pusher is a one-of-a-kind music...
Prepare to embark on a sonic journey through time as Swedish-based rock sensation, The Fuzes, takes you back to the...
Courtney Hadwin to release Rocker 'Monsters" September 29th The electrifying rock sensation, Courtney Hadwin, is gearing up for the release...
ViennaCC, known as Pop-Daddy, publishes his new masterpiece: "Screenshots - EP". This musical journey takes us through the vivid snapshots...
In a world where the tempo of life keeps accelerating, and where technology ostensibly bridges gaps, there remains an age-old...
In the sprawling landscape of the guitar world, where virtuosos abound, there exists a singular figure who stands as a...
Lazore is a name that every rock fan should know by now. The New York-based singer/songwriter has been making waves...
In the ever-evolving realm of alternative hip-hop, Levi Grxce emerges as a luminary, showcasing his formidable talent and unique artistic...
In the era of contemporary indie-rock, where the music landscape has evolved into a complex mosaic of genres and styles,...
In the exclusive echelons of contemporary underground heavy rock and metal, where true sonic mastery is reserved for the few,...
In the kingdom of contemporary rock and blues, the name Animal Steel resonates with a raw, unapologetic energy that has...
In the dominion of contemporary music, the Dream Vision Orchestra emerges as an emblematic vessel, helmed by the seasoned virtuoso...
In an era where musical innovation thrives, catalyzed by life's profound experiences, comes forth the resonating narrative of Joe's Groove...
In a world where melodies are the threads weaving the tapestry of emotions, there emerges an artist who deftly wields...
Prepare to be ensnared in the magnetic vortex of musical alchemy as the electrifying virtuoso, Krit 8th Floor, unveils his...
It was at the Truwan Studio that I first heard Elisa Mammoliti's lush, wonderful voice on a song written by...
In a world where music can weave emotions into golden tapestries of sound, a luminous duo known as Piperlain emerges...
His third LP features stripped-down acoustic covers of pop and rock hits, plus a selection of melodic acoustic originals meant...
Unleash the mosh pits and crank up the volume because Detroit's explosive trio, Psycho Death Punk, is here to blow...