Cinic, with his album "Esto, Malista, Eisvoli," showcases an adept mastery of both lyrical craftsmanship and musical arrangement. His ability...
As the rap and hip-hop genres continue to evolve and grow, the criteria for what makes an artist truly great...
“A State of Mental Confusion”, the album by the French –Portuguese band Insane Blue, has an uncanniness, a captivatingly innovative...
Flávio Kebras is a Portuguese guitarist born in the 90s who started his dedication to music in 1998. As he...
André Aires is a young singer who lives in Portugal. His latest single is entitled “The Bigger The Love”. The...
Di Santos is a musician composer who lives in Portugal, where his work is best known. He usually produces and...
DJ, Producer and artist Dj Overule is the mentor of the "Pump up the Volume Radio Show," and produces events...