In the heart of Harlem, NY, a star was born. Jermaine Barnett, known by his stage name Ksg Viafaith, emerged...
From its humble beginnings as a musical gathering among friends to its current status as a savvy clothing and event...
Harlem’s Hip Hop artist, Portervelli “Never gon touch it” takes an iron grasp on the industry. Unbreakable, Portervelli’s latest single...
We are currently living in an era of uncertainty, and the future is in question. Some of the trivial things...
The album “Revolutionary Ratchet” conveys a lot of afflictive imagery, but OHENE balances it with moments of empowerment and encouragement....
New York City has given Hip Hop some of its best and most celebrated emcees. While the lyrical aspect of...
The nine track album, "Lenox Ave" by OHENE, is described as an ode to Harlem, pre and post gentrification. It...
Hailing from Harlem, NY, Soupblack is getting ready to drop his exciting new project "SOOP" on January 25 2019. The...
Godschild is a singer, songwriter, and music producer from Harlem New York. She is making her official debut with great...
The new single, “I Got Work”, by GetmoneyGov aka Governor Brown features Young Tay is distributed through E1 Media Enterprises...
“Music for the mind, body, and soul,” that’s how Harlem native Ace Deuce describes his music. The youngest of 3...