Step into the enchanting world of N.V., the mesmerizing singer-songwriter hailing from the vibrant streets of Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Born Noel...
Sol. is a burgeoning musician, driven by a passion for crafting raw and unfiltered compositions. His adoration for music was...
Twenty-five-year-old Saint Louis, MO creative, Big Derri, used to dance while coming up. She was in all her school’s talent...
Multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, sound engineer, producer and freestyle vocalist, Jud A. Moller (3D) is an unusually left-artist. His multi-genre songs are...
New York-born Ronaldo Ca$h is a rapper, singer, and songwriter. Owner of the Ca$h Crew MGT brand and label, the...
I chose the album “Private” completely at random, among the many on my desk, needing something to get me through...