In the world of electronic music, the emergence of fresh, young talent is always an exciting spectacle. Jilmstad and Isac...
Memphis-based, Grammy Nominee, Southern Avenue puts a funky, groovy spin on the 1983 Genesis classic “That’s All.” While on...
The smooth and infectiously catchy single ‘Ass Like That’ by Victoria Monét sought to promote the kind of goal-minded body positivity...
In 1989 when the album “Headless Cross” was released, it was met with explosive reviews and swept the U.S. and...
“On a long and lonesome highway East of Omaha. You can listen to the engine. Moanin' out his one note...
The Sixties were dominated by the Vietnam War, Civil Rights Protests, the assassinations of US President John F Kennedy and...
Bravado is a female fronted rock band that has been performing together for little over a year but has already...
The Valium is a five piece rock’n’roll band from Salerno, Italy consisting of Marco Sabino - Vocals, Luigi Sabino -...