In an era where musical authenticity often feels like an endangered species, DownTown Mystic emerges as a shining beacon of...
Bruce Engler
On June 11, singer- songwriter Bruce Engler released the album “One More Chance” featuring US rocker DownTown Mystic, via Sha-La...
The Welcome To Sha-La Land album, featuring songs by DownTown Mystic, Bruce Engler, The Discontent and Monte Farber The 4th of December saw the...
Jamsphere Indie Music Magazine January 2020 - FEATURED THIS MONTH - Mind Over Matter, Robbie Agnew, Lorenzo Gabanizza, C0MBINE, Tatono,...
Now recording his 3rd solo release, “Not You & Me” is the first single from the upcoming 2020 album by...
Sha-La Music, Inc. recently announced the worldwide release of the new two-song digital single “One More Chance” by US project...