In an era ripe for groundbreaking artists, Lydia Urbina emerges as the undergound Australian musical phenomenon the world has been...
In the quiet corners of Canberra, Australia, a musical alchemy is at play. Bec Taylor and the Lyrebirds, have emerged...
In a world where rock music often struggles to capture the raw essence of human emotion, Australian-based artist Rhett May...
In the labyrinth of electronic music, where innovation is the currency and creativity the reigning monarch, one artist stands out...
In the grand tapestry of the entertainment world, few artists emerge with the multifaceted brilliance akin to Piero Widyastana. From...
In the tumultuous terrain of modern urban music, BadMon emerges as a vital force, an underground luminary reshaping the rap...
Independent music veteran Robert Allen, better known by his stage moniker DownTown Mystic, continues to shape the landscape of contemporary...
JD Reynolds just released the music video for her new #1 hit, “A Little Piece Of Your Heart”, and we...
A merger of much of Hitori Dake’s musical tastes, from grinding guitar riffs to epic ambience and soaring melodies, "Limbo"...
Hitori Dake is an alternative rock singer-songwriter with an emotive vocal delivery often compared to the style of Matchbox Twenty...
Australian contemporary singer-songwriter, Lina Kova, studied music both throughout high school and at University of Sydney / Conservatorium of Music,...
James Peden, an electronic music producer from Melbourne, Australia, releases his brand new 3-sided single, entitled “Angel”, via Pur Zynth...
Originally formed in Adelaide, Australia back in 1990 the pop and prog infused indie-rock band, The Violets, distinguished themselves from...
FID is an Australian Lo-fi producer and rapper, who has been making music on his iPad since he was 12....
Nobletipsy is an artist and songwriter from Nigeria, yet currently based in Australia. He sets the bar higher by combining...
From the moment you plug your ears with the kinetic bass-banging groove on "POP GLAM" (Ultimate Edition)”, your mind is...
As we move towards the end of 2021, there are so many Producers who are on the verge of becoming...
Known for his success as the frontman of Australian Pop Punk band Catnip Kaiser, Jack G McDonald has taken a...
Bison is a Hip-hop artist from Liverpool, a suburb of Greater Western Sydney, in the state of New South Wales, Australia....