
Middle Child Syndrome’s Debut Album ‘Listen to Me’: An Unforgettable Musical Journey

In the world of music, where polished production often overshadows raw artistry, Middle Child Syndrome emerges as a breath of fresh air, reimagining the possibilities [more…]

New Releases

H27 – “Dark Skies Filled With Lies” flourishes between sheer ferocity and ear-warming magnificence!

H27, the Octane Rock band out of Milwaukee Wisconsin, has had a quite an interesting start. In early 2008, four guys who happened to be [more…]

New Releases

Diffusive – “Circadian Harmony” delivers vivid and engrossing existentialist themes!

In the world of hip hop, the casual fan doesn’t know much about the underground rap scene. These guys just don’t get into the conversation [more…]