When hip hop first began the focus was on the East Coast and later the West Coast, but a few individuals slowly helped bring the attention to the south. While southern rappers have hailed from cities and states from all over the south, the most important states that have help with the growth southern rappers are Florida, Texas, Tennessee, Louisiana and Georgia. Many don’t realize that the south has been producing hits since the 1980s.
SwiF CrooK is a rapper and producer born in LA and raised in Louisiana, so he brings the best from both worlds. Moreover, he also brings his past baggage trails and tribulations to the mix, which help give his tracks more authenticity.
His first releases delivered unapologetic, raw endeavors that showed glimpses of his massive crossover potential. Now in 2020, SwiF CrooK comes forth with a brand new single entitled “Move The Church”, which is more polished and shinier than anything else he has ever done.
The song’s genius is in part due to the effortless flow that finds SwiF CrooK perfectly in pocket with the flawless production, but also its ability to grab every piece of the rapper’s narrative and put it on display for the world to absorb.
The production here just feels cleaner and warmer. Its driving rhythm a subtle foreshadowing of the sonic journey the listener is embarking on, before SwiF CrooK steps up to the mic. SwiF’s delivery is so breezy it almost doesn’t matter what he’s saying. SwiF CrooK’s rap is great to listen to because of the elements he sticks into his tracks.
The rapper’s ability to create songs that uphold his lyrical style, while combining it with a hip-hop bounce that stirs up the party, makes the artist unique and entertaining for anyone who enjoys hip-hop.
“Move The Church” also shows off SwiF CrooK’s ability to slow down and discuss the issues on his mind, which are the same ones that affect our own daily lives. Faith is a driving factor here, as SwiF emphasis the joys and conditions that come with entering the house of God.
SwiF CrooK’s flow and his charisma comes through nicely as he just sounds like he’s talking to us honestly. Quickly, though, you’ll realize that this guy can go hard when he wants to.
SwiF CrooK’s topics usually show how real he is, and there can be nothing more real than the theme in “Move The Church”. His entertaining flow, combined with accurate punch-lines, and inspiring story-line, make him another Louisiana rapper to look out for.
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