“Watching”, the brand new single by Roger Cole is filled with inspirational music in its short 5 minute running time. It has enough ideas to fill a recording five times its length. Here you’ll find some of Cole’s most comprehensive arranging and aggressive playing, as he really shows us what an all commanding monster on guitar that he really is. His solos and riffing are brilliant ascending crescendos, of intuitive gritty genius. Cole knows the legacies of rock better than most people know themselves. Making his music an extension of his soul through his body in a monumental flurry of magnificent notes and chords. This may be Roger Cole’s best all-round performance on record.
Roger Cole lays down a massive foundation of bass and drum solidness that will withstand the test of time for his soaring guitar work. The combination of the three, culminates in a pinnacle of masterful talent. “Watching” is a masterpiece of musical integrity, of the instrumental and lyrical kind.
Joined by the resonant piano keys, the imposing rhythm escalates into an all-out assault on the ears and the mind. Epic in its sweep and emotion. This is also one of Cole’s finest songs, truly capable of sweeping you away in its musical vortex.
Opening with a resonating piano driven introduction, the track pummels for a trim five minutes, shifting through riffs and hooks with newfound energy. The song transcends into a pure celebration of rock music, showcasing a perfect blend of Roger Cole’s past and present.
Raw core rudiments lead to the main riff, which bookmark the accessible verse sections where Cole’s guitars ring out like a chorus of triumphant bells across a landscape. The track also uses effects and hard production less typical of previous Cole tracks, which were more atmospheric and less in your face. But this tells a different story…
On “Watching”, Roger Cole seems to want to make sure that his powerful messages reach the listener in the most impacting way possible. Lyrically superb, the words drip with wisdom and philosophy, as Cole’s guitars strike the perfect balance between a ring and a crunch while remaining intense throughout.
The bass and drum section is the real highlight that puts this song over the top, with perfect timing and a potent jam, as good as, if not better, than any of the Cole’s previous instrumental flourishes. The intro is progressive rock orientated, while the verse is pure hard rock with a crisp and gritty riff along with a direct beat. The choruses are a blend of the two styles, with the sound of the piano refrain, somehow pertinently alluding to the song’s title.
Yes “Watching” marks the beginning of a new chapter for Roger Cole’s music career, and may just prove to be the dark horse of his entire catalog, as the artist presents himself as a solo act.
Turn your player up loud, and buckle in, as the sea of music that lies within this track, is a maelstrom of swirling notes, rhythm, and ideas. “The more things change the more they stay the same,” says a wise old adage. And as it turns out on “Watching”, that’s a pretty damn good thing for an artist of Roger Cole’s caliber.
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