ElektroHorse is an artist, DJ, and producer from the south side of Chicago who has created a new sound: CDM (Country Dance Music). He was one of the few to depart from such a harsh city and even gained the opportunity to travel internationally for his craft. ElektroHorse is aiming to be the Deadmau5 of country by integrating elements from every genre of music into a new sound for country tunes.
“Stomp” is the latest single release by ElektroHorse featuring Floyd Holloway, Jesse Charette & Terell Skreetzz. As chart-friendly EDM continues to reach the furthest corners of the globe, staying ahead of the pack can prove a tricky task – especially when more and more acts arrive on the scene turning out mixes that newcomers to the arena lap up with excitement.
Avicii kicked up some dust a couple of years ago with ‘Wake Me Up’ by moving into Country music territory, which up until then was a no-fly zone. The song busted up the Charts but since then no-one has really dug into this sub-genre with as much passion and decision as ElektroHorse.
ElektroHorse has affronted the theme head on with authentic sounding CDM (Country Dance Music). “Stomp” is power-packed with fiddling Bluegrass rhythms and swampy blues-infected vocals. Underneath it all ElektroHorse’s four-to-the-floor kick drum holds the beat upright – Inspiring stuff, very upbeat yet deeply emotional, and still satisfies your need for some electronic crunch.
“Stomp” is like a wild Bronc ride at the local rodeo. Untamed and unwilling to bend its spirit to the stereotyped EDM electronic music holds so dear. There is something noble, privileged and majestic in ElektroHorse’s CDM sound.
Avicii certainly smashed all genre boundaries with his song Wake Me Up, but ElektroHorse takes it a few steps further creating a wonderful hybrid of electronic and country music, with some powerfully blues-inspired vocals, making “Stomp” sound more authentic, very powerful and catchy. Contrary to what purists may believe, music genres are meant to be breached.
If they were not, music wouldn’t be what is, and the rock revolution in the 60s, would never have happened. Creating hybrids like this is part of the musical evolution, and that unto itself is awesome. There are no boundaries for creativity and inspiration, so kudos to ElektroHorse!
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