Amery Rey Tuesta is a Peruvian-born singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, record producer and sound engineer. His music integrates a wide variety of styles, including funk, rock, metal, punk, blues, rap, Latin, soul, psychedelia, and pop. Amery has released various recordings and has travelled across the globe.
He now resides in Gothenburg, Sweden, where he actually teaches music. A.R.T.Music has recently presented Amery’s latest music video single, “Stay Calm”, from his upcoming full-length album “LatinoAmeryca” releasing on December 15st.
Emphasis shifts, forms of expression change – but the things about which Amery Rey Tuesta sings so eloquently on this recording are eternal. The querying of who we are, and what the world around us is, or has become, are questions almost all of us grapple with from time to time.
This is a theme that Amery has been affronting for a very long time in his life, from what I can gather from his biographical notes.
In general, he sings of big, important topics and uses extremely varied styles of music, to put across his ideas. This artist is the real thing – one who uses poetic moving lyrics, and interesting musical arrangements that are felt and created with authentic truth and beauty.
Amery has travelled along a lot of musical paths, and some of these travels resulted in glorious records. “LatinoAmeryca” also promises to fall into this category, judging by the new single and some other snippets I heard.
I feel that there are some ways out of the stalemate of the pop and rock-format which has been milked totally dry, and one of them is signposted by “Stay Calm”. Even having a simple and straightforward formula, the energy and twisted and turned swirl of Amery’s voice, gives the song an otherworldly atmosphere.
He is in full, soaring form and the music just follows suit, as Amery Rey Tuesta allows his free form stream-of-consciousness to fully permeate the song.
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