In a musical world where identity is often elusive, Ches Barrow stands out as a voice of raw authenticity, crafting...
New Releases
In a world oversaturated with formulaic music and catchy hooks, The Swift Kicks Verano—a.k.a. Prince Devin Michael Paris—is a breath...
Hailing from Oregon, RYLAND (Ryland Adams) is not just a name on the rise but a visionary, blending both sonic...
Emerging from the dynamic layers of the alternative music scene, slo/tide is more than just a new project—it’s the evolution...
Sam Brace is no stranger to reinvention. As a core member of folk-punk powerhouses Skinny Lister, he spent a decade...
There’s something transcendent about everyday life—the moments we live but seldom notice, the people we meet but rarely remember. Brian...
For Souljunkie, music isn’t just a craft—it’s a mirror, reflecting both the scars of a troubled past and the hopeful...
KOTA! is back, and she's stronger than ever with her new single “Under My Spell,” a track that merges dark,...
Emerging from the dynamic Brooklyn music scene, Jennifer Silva has always been an artist unafraid to explore the delicate intersections...
Jim Anthony is a modern-day troubadour with a heart full of stories about the everyday heroes who often go unnoticed....
Toronto and Georgina’s own Bandana Sons have always been more than just a rock band. They are storytellers, chroniclers of...
Prepare to be transported to a world where soaring vocals and thundering guitars collide, where the raw power of rock...
Music has a way of transcending time and space, connecting generations and cultures, uniting us in moments of joy, sorrow,...
Emerging from the unlikely combination of Private Equity and musical passion, LANDO’s journey from corporate boardrooms to creating evocative ballads...
Extra Time, the visionary musical project spearheaded by Brendan McNamara, returns with its third compelling single, “The Boy Who Dreamed...
In the ever-evolving landscape of contemporary pop, where the lines between sonic experimentation and emotional storytelling blur, few artists manage...
Kendall Lake is no stranger to the stage, spotlight, or the creative rush that surges through Los Angeles’ artistic veins....
Prepare to be whisked away to a world where music becomes a vivid landscape, where sound and emotion blend into...
Hailing from the sun-baked streets of Phoenix, Arizona, Piper Connolly is quickly making waves in the alt-pop scene with her...