Prepare to enter the extraordinary world of DeEss2., a groundbreaking Canadian artist whose genre-defying music is creating waves across the...
New Releases
In a music industry where formulaic hits often dominate the airwaves, ‘Take The W’ stands as a refreshing counterpoint—a self-titled...
Nicki Kris is a name synonymous with fearless artistry and relentless ambition. The award-winning, Billboard-charting vocalist and songwriter has made...
Matt Oakley has never been one to sit still. Raised in the constantly shifting backdrop of a military household, Oakley’s...
Nestled within the picturesque Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, OneFamily isn't just a musical act; they are a living embodiment...
Progressive music thrives on evolution, a ceaseless journey through sonic exploration. With their latest single, "I’m Still Here," Eden Architect...
In a world where life moves fast and emotions are often rushed, music remains one of the few mediums that...
Janet Noh’s story reads like a symphony: dynamic movements, contrasting textures, and an unmistakable crescendo into the artist she is...
Baraka Palmer, the Brazilian band known for their audacious fusion of punk, dark, and alternative rock, is back with an...
In an era where musical boundaries are melting into a fluid blend of influences, Blake G emerges as a commanding...
Emerging from Nashville’s buzzing creative circuit, Jesse Hardiek, known professionally as Bad Plans, has been crafting his unique sonic identity...
Singapore’s music and dance scene receives a thrilling jolt with the release of ‘Get Loose’, the latest single from Dreamfellas'...
Baltimore’s own six-string sorcerer, EH, storms back into the hard rock and metal scene with ‘Parts’, a seven-song juggernaut that...
Elizabeth Sheppard, the indie folk-rock luminary from St. John’s, Newfoundland, has once again gifted the music world with a song...
In the vast and ever-evolving universe of contemporary music, few artists have managed to capture the raw, unfiltered essence of...
With a voice as genuine as the stories he tells, Colt Shepherd is swiftly carving out a unique space in...
Rising alt-pop artist OLI has emerged from the UK’s vibrant music scene as a voice that captures the raw, unspoken...
Justin Wilder’s latest release, ‘Bronco’, isn’t just a song—it’s a thrilling ride that captures the wild pulse of love and...
Every so often, an artist comes along whose music isn’t just a product but a pilgrimage—a journey that touches on...