“SPEAKERS” is easily one of the best Prodigy singles out there, and that’s really saying something. Based in energetic hardcore Dubstep merged with Hip Hop, Reggae and Rock, there’s an incredible amount of sound and rhythm variety going on here. Everything from metal guitars to shattering drums and loud street rhymes to anthemic choruses are used effectively by OnPlanetZu.
For over a decade the collaborators of OnPlanetZu, singer-songwriter Zu Tha Greatone and Bazerk, have been thrashing out crossover rhythms and rhymes in abundance. Joining forces with producer Cori Jacobs (Fader) they bring to the table their single, “SPEAKERS”. A fantastic transition between Dubstep and Rap to contemporary gritty rock with an industrial/electronica base, OnPlanetZu have dared to show insight and initiative to adapt their style to changing times and attitudes through the years.

During his musical career, Zu has performed with such names as: Blackburner, Ludacris, KRS One, Prince, Dr. Mad Vibe, The Black Eyed Peas, 311 and George Clinton. Zu’s music has been featured in MTV Top 10, MTV Pranked, Animal Planet, Alcoholics Anonymous commercials and PlayStation Commercials.
“SPEAKERS” is a great single; it’s extremely danceable with a wonderful melody and a very hard edge. The main reason I love this track is just because it is so tight and well made, and so extremely rhythm oriented, there are no dull spots. Dull spots are the main weakness of most bad electronic music. While a lot of “electronica” goes on too long, becomes self-indulgent or pretentious and really doesn’t mean much.
Zu and his gang have crafted an energetic track that will certainly have lasting power. Its dark, it’s edgy, it’s loud and it’s aggressive and that’s what OnPlanetZu is about. Stick it on, crank up the bass and try and hear all the layers of madness that has been lovingly crafted onto this recording – an audio catharsis!
OnPlanetZu manage to stay true to their sound without moving into the land of cheesy vocal samples and lame, boring beats that populate so much electronic music these days. Fast synthesizer effects, rampant vocals and intense guitar riffs, gives the ‘electronica meets dubstep meets hardcore rock’ feel to “SPEAKERS”.
OFFICIAL LINKS: Artist Website – Facebook
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