Artdayn – Home Movie: An X-Rated Synthy Ensemble with Plenty of Soul

Artdayn – Home Movie: An X-Rated Synthy Ensemble with Plenty of Soul. Artdayn is the brand-new musical project by Miami based urban artist Daynel Artiles​. His fresh new synthy approach to RnB & Soul is one that I can definitely get behind. His debut track Home Movie​ is a pulsing mix of contemporary 80’s sounds narrated through unfiltered gritty lyrics that really put this Synth Pop RnB ensemble in a league of its own. Not one element of this track is understated, the thrashing, swirling chaos of the track encapsulates the essence behind the track which should probably come with its own PG warning. Artdayn started his project in 2017, each of the singles he’s brought out runs with its own elemental fury, his genre-defying sound gets mixed up every time he puts out a new track. Yet Home Movie is without doubt my all-time favorite hit produced by Artdayn. Every second of the 4:40 track is an atmospheric experience of the pure aural alchemy that has been so deftly produced. The almost haunting intro leads you into a labyrinth of complex Electronica layers which really make the listening experience a palpably sonorous experience.

After listening to Home Movie, I realized that this sensually composed masterpiece may just be the only overly X-Rated track I could really immerse myself in. With its pinch of romanticism against Artiles veracious sexuality Home Movie could only be described as stunning. The tentative pacing which is strategically placed around Artiles raunchy Human League-esque vocals is enough to get anyone hot; if the breakdowns and build up’s don’t leave you needing to catch your breath, you’re probably a little dead inside.

The orchestration that created the resonance between the Soulful and earthy vocals and the carnality of the beat stands as testament Artdayn’s bordering on genius rhythmic talent. Perhaps what I adore the most is the versatility in the vocals, he switches from a soaring vocal range to a pensive flow which really allows you to swallow the melancholy on offer through the lyrics.

Home Movie was released at the start of 2018 and has not failed to get the attention of Urban music fans. The tracks universal sound is beautifully resonant, so it should come as no surprise that Artdayn’s fans are falling over themselves to praise the South Florida artists sound.  I have no doubt that a record deal isn’t on the cards for Artdayn if he keeps putting out dope tracks to the same standard of Home Movie, the tracks perfectly polished production results in a dope hit that you’d have to be pretty broken not to appreciate.

South Florida residents may have already been introduced to Artdayn’s sound as he’s made quite the name for himself as the singing Uber driver. I mean, what better way to put your music out there than bringing your passion into your day job and dousing unsuspecting passengers to a rendition of music with infinitely more soul than you would find on the radio. If Artdayn doesn’t get signed, there is something seriously wrong with the music industry. Before watching his micro car concerts, I had no idea that Artdayn was going to be so enigmatically charming.

The singer songwriter and graphic design artist is most definitely the whole package with his inspiration to positively influence his listeners lives with his music. After checking out Home Movie, he’s most definitely made an impression with me. To check out the sublime X-Rated track head on over to SoundCloud Or you can head on over to Artdayn’s official Website to check out his earlier mixes and videos of him wowing his passengers as he takes them on a journey of pure RnB soul. You can connect with Artdayn & show your support on Facebook.

  • Review by Amelia Vandergast


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