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INTERVIEW with Hard Rock & Metal Band Dinnamarque

Dinnamarque was formed in 2002 by bassist and singer Rafael Dinnamarque, shortly after leaving the band Broken Spell. In 2005, he met drummer Riccardo Linassi, co-founder of Ata D’arc. After a while, Riccardo decided to join Rafael, due to their common influences and musical passions, with the purpose of reformulating the heavy metal presented until then. A new way of mixing traditional heavy metal with other styles was born by the hands of them both. Since then band has expanded and gone through various lineup changes. In the process had the pleasure of sharing the stage with big names of the heavy metal world, like: Thiago Bianchi (Shaaman and Noturnall); Blaze Bayley (ex-Iron Maiden) twice; Almah; Claustrophobia, Torture Squad; Zak Stevens (Savatage and Circle II Circle), Korpiklaani and Kiko Loureiro (formerly Angra and Megadeth). Dinnamarque released their first full length album on February 8th 2020, entitled ‘One Spirit of a Thousand Faces’ which is available on all major streaming services and also in the CD format. Dinnamarque released a single last month called ‘Out of Control’ with the DyMM P&M Label, and will soon be releasing a Video.

  1. How long have you been performing and recording as Dinnamarque, and what is your primary mission as a group?

Rafael Dinnamarque: Next year the band completes 20 years of existence, as it was a project I started in 2002 and in 2005 Linassi joined the project and from there we started to play it as a physical band where they had some formations including a momentary departure of Linassi and the back in 2017 but this current line-up is 12 years old. For me, music is an art tool and the band is the way to work with this tool, to express what I think about both the lyrics and the sound, and of course working with something I really like and living from it, and of course it takes this experience for people around the world.

  1. Who have been your major influences in your writing and playing style?

Rafael Dinnamarque: I’ve always been in contact with music since I was very young, but at 8 years old Iron Maiden came into my life and made me want to be like them, have a band and make a living from it by making my own music. So Steve Harris and Bruce Dickinson were the guys who taught me how to be a writer.

  1. If I was to turn on your media player right now, which artists/songs would I most likely to hear on your recently played list?

Rafael Dinnamarque: At the moment I’m listening to a lot of Katatonia that I’ve known for years and I’m listening again and I’m also listening to the band Dool, of course in addition to bands I’ve been listening to for 3 decades or more like Maiden, Nightwish, Winger, Cinderella, Slayer and so on. My playlist is very varied, as I like to hear a little bit of everything.

  1. What do you feel are the key elements in your music that should resonate with rock and metal listeners?

Rafael Dinnamarque: Well because of the influences we have that are many I think the listener will feel a little of each style within the songs, and I particularly like this and I imagine it makes the listener kind of feel and be traveling to different places with each song. I think this is what characterizes the band’s sound.

  1. With the music industry always changing and evolving, what are the things you like and don’t like about it currently? And if you could change anything about it, what would it be?

Rafael Dinnamarque: The first thing that would change, and I think it’s unanimous, this is the payment methods for streaming, as this is not good, it’s not just for small artists or those just starting out, but it’s for everyone, now one thing I don’t really like about this format is that nowadays everything is in the palm of the listener’s hand but at the same time I think it took their interest away from looking for something new or unknown. I don’t know if this happens in the rest of the world but it’s something that happens here quite often.

  1. What’s your view on the current state of rock and metal in general?

Rafael Dinnamarque: I think rock and metal have always been and will be styles that have gone through good times and bad, I think its part of their metamorphosis or life cycle. What I can say is that rock and metal have always walked this way since the early days when things were divulged by word of mouth until today we have the internet to have access to everything with a touch, the difference between today and yesterday It is this facility that I mentioned in the previous question that is great but somehow hinders more than the difficulties we had in the past to have access to something from unknown or new bands, I say this thinking of Brazil, because I know that in Europe and elsewhere access was a little easier.

  1. Do you ever write a song with current musical trends, formulas or listener satisfaction in mind, or do you simply write, focused on the band’s own vision?

Rafael Dinnamarque: When I write a song I tend to think about how I would like it to captivate me if it was in a band I’m listening to, so I try to be the listener listening to my music. As for writing using current skills I don’t emphasize this but usually when I go into the writing process I hear everything and then the ideas start to come, but I also like to focus on composing the music according to the theme I’m going to address, because I think the The lyrics and the instrumental have to work together to captivate the listener in the way that he will have this song in his head for years.

  1. Could you describe your creative processes? How do start, and go about shaping ideas into a completed song? Is it a democratic process between the members, and who does what in the band?

Rafael Dinnamarque: Hahaha I ended up answering the previous question, but that’s basically what I said, I’m always listening to new stuff, old stuff and I’m always writing songs, it’s something I do spontaneously, so I almost always have ideas, and some are already complete, others just a riff , so I have my PC always on and I painted an idea I record and keep or I already work on it and finish it as a song, and I usually compose thinking about the theme of the lyrics and the vocal improvement in the drums on synths and things like that.

  1. Where do you do most of your recording and production work?

Rafael Dinnamarque: At the moment we are producing each one at home because the technology and the moment we live made this become necessary. So basically I start with the songwriting process already doing a pre-production, and the guys do the same and after that we have a meeting to decide what needs to change and what will remain in the songs, after that everyone starts the recording process in home and if necessary, we go to one of them to help with something or even be present so if you have more ideas, we can work on them.

  1. What would you consider a successful, proud or significant point for Dinnamarque so far?

Rafael Dinnamarque: Everything we’ve been through in these 20 years in the band since I started the band alone, the entry of the first formation after the second that remains until today, until times we were stopped due to instability in the music market because this is something that discourages a lot of people but we are there persistent, and also the band being more friends who like to play metal and want to make their own sound and fight for it, this is something to be proud of because we know that everything is hard work and this is what it does for me something to have a consistent foundation and proof of everything.

  1. If someone has never heard your music, which 5 keywords would you use to describe your music?

Rafael Dinnamarque: Listen, you won’t regret it.

  1. Is there a particular song on your album “One Spirit of a Thousand Faces”, in which you feel the band delivered its most perfect performance, on all levels? And is there maybe one song that you keep thinking you should have done a little differently in some way?

Rafael Dinnamarque: Well I think all the songs and the performance is at the right point, because for those who don’t know this CD was ready since 2011 when we recorded his drums but due to instability in the market and even financial he only left now between 2019 and 2020, but I think this made his execution much more precise and detailed even though the songs were already ready. But the musical maturity of each one in these 9 years that the CD was stopped meant that the resumption for completion of it was done in the right place.

  1. Which would you indicate as the highlights on your sophomore album “The Darkside of Human Nature”, and is there an overarching theme or backstory to the album?

Rafael Dinnamarque: Hum, the new album is much heavier and more modern in some aspects, and I’m even in doubt which song would be featured, particularly the song that names the CD would be one for me after the recent single ‘Out of Control’, but there are also more songs that I think are very remarkable. But let’s let the listeners say this. I think they will like everything very much.

  1. Could you tell us something about your latest single project “Out of Control”, out via the DyMM P&M Label?

Rafael Dinnamarque: Well we’re proud to be releasing our new work with the guys at DyMM P&M Label and “Out of Control is the first single from the new album where it tackles the current state of humanity where we all have monsters trapped inside of us wanting to get out but sometimes we have to hold back because it can’t be good and when they come out we know what can happen, but that lately they are being released and this is generating delicate situations in the current world.

  1. If you had a choice to go on tour with any acclaimed international band, who would you pick and why?

Rafael Dinnamarque: Linassi and I already had the opportunity to do some shows with the band Evergrey who are a big influence on us and it would be nice to be able to do it again with them, and of course if I had the opportunity to dance with Iron Maiden, Helloween, Nightwish would be an honor for us.

  1. Creative work in studio environment, or interaction with a live audience? Which of these two do you ultimately prefer and why?

Rafael Dinnamarque: I particularly like both because it’s something I do with pleasure, but being on a live stage with the audience screaming is something that washes the soul.

  1. What is the best piece of advice regarding the music business that you actually followed so far, and what is the piece of advice you didn’t follow, but now know for sure that you should have?

Rafael Dinnamarque: Well, when I say that, people don’t believe it, but I don’t use drugs of any kind and I don’t drink, and this is something that we have the most is a teacher to show that the consequences are disastrous, so these stories are the best advice I’ve had. Another thing is to always pay attention to negotiations and contracts because we also have many stories of bands that were harmed by not paying attention to this, I’ve done this myself a few times and I’m harmed.

  1. Putting aside the accolades or criticisms that fans or the media may afford your releases, what’s the one thing about your music you think people may overlook or misinterpret?

Rafael Dinnamarque: Maybe the fact that our songs don’t have a defined style in the whole album, for example: The album is Power Metal from beginning to end or it’s more traditional heavy metal, but it has these variations in the songs. I think that would be it, but I could be wrong too hehe!

  1. Do you think is it important for fans of your music to understand the real story and message driving each of your songs, or do you think everyone should be free to interpret your songs in their own way?

Rafael Dinnamarque: I think that regardless of having the lyrics describe the theme, the listener’s vision is what makes him have the experience when he hears the music, because when it is in his ears, the set of riffs of the vocal melody arrangements makes him imagine the music as a scene and I think that’s what makes music what it is. Play with the imagination of the listener.

  1. As a band, do you have a specific musical vision or goal that you want to achieve in the near future?

Rafael Dinnamarque: Well I think the goal of each one in the band is the same, living from our art, our music and taking it to all possible places on the planet.