Sean Barnes also know as GBTwoGood. Was born in Louisville, Kentucky February the 6th 1990. Where he grew up some years through shattered homes and poverty, it was apparent quick he had a ear for music. Through powwows while in his teens he realized how much the world feed off of music and that’s what started it all. GBTwoGood would spend hours working on song lyrics and revising his favorites from the time. Records like Aquemina from Outkast, hustlers muzik from Lil Wayne or something like Stairway To Heaven from Led Zeppelin. By his mid teens he started to become know for rapping around Bowling Green and Butler County, Kentucky.
Roger T. Taylor from Columbus Ohio, was born on February 26. Known for his moniker Teezee Hellagreeno or Greeno. He is a Rapper/Songwriter, inspired by a range of musicians such Big Punisher, ,2Pac to T.I. Hellagreeno is working on several mixtapes and also on his album. GBTwoGood and Hellagreeno have joined forces to bring you GREENOTWOGOOD VOL.3 now available on Datpiff. Here the two gave us some insight into their grind.
- How long have you been in the music business and how did you get started in the first place?
Hellagreeno : Been in the Music business for 4 years. I caught my niche when I was 16. I used to freestyle on the block and write lyrics in juvenile detention. I knew I had a gift back then.
- Who were your first and strongest musical influences that you can remeber?
GBTwoGood: First off gotta mention Outkast they had such a unique style you couldn’t help but mess with their music, their hip hop legends for sure. Also greats such as Pac and 8ball and MJG.
- Which artists are you currently listening to? And is there anyone of these that you’d like to collaborate with?
Hellagreeno : Z-Ro Legendary and UGK Riding Dirty. We would’ve loved to work with Pimp C. And we definitely like to work with Z-Ro and Bun-B.
- What are your thoughts on the current state of the hip-hop and the rap game in general?
GBTwoGood : There’s a lot going on right now in the game some good and some bad but all in all there’s a lot of hope for the future of hip hop.
- What do you think separates you from the crowd of emcees emerging right now?
Hellagreeno : Our style and unorthodox flow pattern. Since I’m from Ohio and He’s from Kentucky, We have this different Dope sound that meshes perfectly.
- Which do you ultimately prefer? Entertaining a live audience or creating songs in a studio setting?
GBTwoGood : Coming up with new music is always a good thing, but nothing compares to the high you get from performing and vibing with the crowd its cool watching how they go from who the hell is greenotwogood iinto damn where they bobbing along and getting hype with us, that never will get old.
- If you were forced to choose only one, which emotion, more than any other drives you to be a part of this highly competitive business day after day?
Hellagreeno : I would say Absorbed. I’m a Hip-Hop sponge. I been a student since the early 90’s so I can get lyrical. But at the same time I can transition my style to cater the Young Generation.
- What would you consider a successful or high point in your career so far?
GBTwoGood: We’ve had a lot of different things happen in the last year so its hard 2 say one thing that sticks out is hearing three of our songs on Doug E Freash’s radio station to have something on the airwaves that’s in ties with a hip hop pioneer you can’t really put a price on that.
- Tell us something about your lyrics and music production on your releases. Which part of these processes do you handle yourself, and which do you outsource generally?
Hellagreeno: I’m not a punch line rapper. I’m more lyrical with a Street edge. Our production ranges from Various Producers . It’s because our style ranges and we don’t make the same songs. We do write our own lyrics and we sell physical copies also we sell music digitally on various websites.
- What do you feel your listeners should get out of your music?
GBTwoGood: With our music you’re getting the whole buffet, we’re artist that are able to give you raw emotions and then the very next record have you jumping out your seat. That’s what so special about us we’re not one dimensional in no shape or form.
- What has been the most difficult thing you’ve had to endure in your life or music so far?
Hellagreeno: Watching my Wife get diagnosed with Cancer. But watching her go through remission is a upside to the Story.
- Which aspect of being an independent artist and the music making process excites you most and which aspect discourages you most?
GBTwoGood: The excitement always comes from people’s reactions, a lot of the time they don’t wanna give you the time of day since your name isn’t known well but then you hit that play button and there whole mood change. Everything ain’t gonna happen when you want it to although it’s tough sometimes getting discouraged ain’t an option #wegonmakeit
- How do you market and manage your music career? Do you have a management team or do you control everything by yourself?
Hellagreeno: Right now we handle everything. We’ll find a Management team when the Time is right.
- If you had the opportunity to change one thing about the music business, what would that be?
GBTwoGood: get more real artist in the industry and make it about the music again not how people look or what’s popular the game use 2 be full of individuals now there’s a lot of clown clones running around, its all good though.
- If someone has never heard your music, which keywords would you personally use to describe your overall sound and style?
Hellagreeno: Authentic. UpBeat. Relevant. Unorthodox. Dope.
- Do you consider Internet and all the social media websites as fundamental in building a career in music today, and what is your personal relationship with the new technology at hand?
GBTwoGood: Technology plays a huge role, it makes it convenient for artist to reach out to fans and vice versa. We have made a good platform for our fans to reach us and have made it easy for listeners to find our music. Google Greenotwogood, Hellagreeno,GBtwGood and you’ll be busy searching through pages for a while.
- What is the title of your latest release and where and when can fans find it?
Hellagreeno: GreenoTwoGood Volume 3 it’s available on
- What is your relation with visual media and YouTube etc. Have you released any videos clips for fans to see?
GBTwoGood: As far as videos we have multiple show videos out and Hellagreeno has a few videos one of which is on Vevo titled Story of my life, so make sure you check those out. Were currently in the works of a few different videos should be releasing later on this year.
- If you were stuck on a desert island, which 3 artist’s music would you choose to accompany your stay there?
Hellagreeno: 2Pac, Boosie, and GreenoTwoGood
- Do you have a motto or positive message stuck somewhere in your mind to inspire you, or anybody else, at any given time? If so, what would it be?
GBTwoGood: it’s easy to hate and harder to love, people always gonna have something to say so don’t quit on your goals and dreams keep grinding and moving in a forward motion. Every ones a critic so shrug it off learn from each mistake and grow with your craft whatever that is you’re doing, don’t let up always apply the pressure.
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