Comatose Red Ivy is a transgender rapper, singer and songwriter. She began her music career on exactly: October 16 2020 at 5:43am, after being poisoned by, whom she calls, her ‘ex-not-boyfriend’, and left to die. She has lived in both the real and fictional worlds, where she has been surrounded by alter-egos, split personalities and a vast number of emotional altering characters who have interacted with her existence. Over time she has transitioned into a very real world with both her music and persona, tackling all the harsh realities that come with, it head on. Her latest project is LGBTQ NATION, which is an equality EP standing up for unity, equality, peace, and of course calling out what she herself calls “closet faggots”. “I can say faggot, I’m a transgender faggot,” says Comatose Red Ivy bluntly.
- Could you tell us about the inspiration behind your EP project, ‘LGBTQ NATION,’ and what motivated you to create it?
Comatose Red Ivy: The motivation came from all the bigotry and hate I’ve experienced as a transgender woman, all across this whole country (USA). I’m fed up and don’t tolerate abuse from people anymore and wanted to motivate everyone to do the same.
- How do you define the overall message of ‘LGBTQ NATION,’ and what are you hoping to achieve with this project?
Comatose Red Ivy: The overall message is to stop interrupting someone’s day because they look different than you or aren’t what you think they should be; overall, it’s about equality and intolerance for being abused.
- The track titles on your EP, such as ‘FAG YOU ARE,’ ‘CLOCK A QUEER,’ and ‘MAN IN A DRESS,’ have garnered attention. Can you explain the intentions behind these titles and how they relate to the overall message of the EP?
Comatose Red Ivy: The intention is exactly as the lyrics go, yes I am everything you say I am, and I’m proud to be me, so back up away from disrupting me because I’m not you. FAG YOU ARE, is saying screw closet fags, and the closet fags I’m referring to in the whole EP is the fags that aren’t out but they still smash a fag, yet when they see a queer near they get loud and act like they hate fags. CLOCK A QUEER, is real general it is about when someone “clocks” a queer, you know realizes they’re transgender and then acts like they got the right to interrupt your day, the track is me standing with and for LGBT and against pussy closet queers; MAN IN A DRESS is essentially same concept just written from different perspective.
- The LGBTQ+ community is diverse and encompasses a range of identities. How do you ensure that your project represents and respects this diversity?
Comatose Red Ivy: I ensure it represents and respects the diversity by taking all the hate we receive and throwing it back into the faces of those that hate us. I’m an LGBTQ ally and have taken a stance, I’m ready to give my life to combat these pussy closet queers, and it’s only the closet men that get loud or want to be tough when there’s a queer near. Everyone has right to exist in harmony and peace, as long as you’re not hurting anyone.
- It seems that your EP calls out closeted gay people. Could you elaborate on why you have an issue with closeted individuals, and what you aim to achieve by addressing this topic?
Comatose Red Ivy: Well, if you go back and play the tracks, you’ll see I correlate the frustrations of closet queers directly to those that get loud when a queer is near; you know, type of dude that would smash me, but then later out with his buddies, yelling faggot out the window because he sees a fag. Regular curious closet men, I have no beef with, not at all; we all start somewhere.
- With ‘LGBTQ NATION,’ you call for unity and equality. How do you incorporate these themes into your music and lyrics?
Comatose Red Ivy: I incorporate them by believing, by feeling that we are all equal and equality is essential to each individuals identity. It’s time to take a stand against the hatred, even if it has to get violent; wars create evolution and I’m ready to fight for equality for everyone.
- In your opinion, what role can music, specifically hip-hop and rap, play in promoting unity and understanding among different communities?
Comatose Red Ivy: By spreading a message of hope and faith to individuals that may not have the courage or wisdom and experiences to be strong; like when I was a kid, I got my strength from Kurt Cobain with my suicide ideation, his pain healed mine, that’s what I try to do.
- The LGBTQ+ rights movement has made significant strides in recent years. How do you see your EP contributing to the ongoing fight for equality?
Comatose Red Ivy:
By projecting my strength into those actually listening to what I’m saying, hearing my stance and my strength on and for LGBTQ, strength starts with acceptance, that’s where I’m at, accepting.
- As a transgender artist, how has your personal journey influenced the creation of ‘LGBTQ NATION’?
Comatose Red Ivy: Well, press play on any track of the EP to answer this, being transgender is the only reason this EP exist.
- What challenges, if any, did you face while working on this EP, both creatively and in terms of addressing sensitive subjects?
Comatose Red Ivy: Not one, I wrote the whole EP in about 30 minutes, it all poured straight from my heart, and I swooped up some dope beats and went to work, I’m proud of this project, it’s me actually standing for something.
- Are there any specific experiences or encounters, that inspired the creation of certain tracks on ‘LGBTQ NATION’?
Comatose Red Ivy: Yes, being transgender in today’s world; it’s very dangerous to be transgender when you get outside of the urban areas and in some parts of urban areas. The worst state I ever went to was California, if you’re not in an inner city, anywhere, stay strapped up!
- ‘FAGS AROUND ME’ is a track title that may raise eyebrows. Can you shed some light on the meaning and intention behind this song?
Comatose Red Ivy:The insight is I’m sick of p*ssy closet fags acting tough because I know who I am,and I’m sick of “fags around me”; the big thing is to understand I use fag and faggot very freely as a means of acceptance, same way the black people took N ending in ER word and accepted it as N ending in A word; yeah I’m a faggot, I’m a transgender faggot, these haters are basic faggots and need to back up from me; I guess I’m just a bout it wild ass transgender bitch.
- Your EP has a hard-hitting and provocative approach. Do you think this approach helps or hinders the reception of your message?
Comatose Red Ivy: It definitely helps, it’s standing firm, on solid ground, flag planted, we are here to stay.
- How do you handle criticism from those who may find the EP’s titles or lyrics offensive?
Comatose Red Ivy: F*ck them! If you’re offended by this project, you one of the closet p*ssy Queers I’m referring about. If black people can say the N word, I can say the F word; it’s same concept, taking hate and projecting it back by accepting it, that also is how evolution occurs.
- ‘LGBTQ NATION’ addresses important social issues. Do you also believe in engaging with your audience to encourage conversation and dialogue around these topics?
Comatose Red Ivy: Absolutely, I believe in engaging with everyone, it helps unite and bring forth peace and unity. We have to stand together.
- Have you faced any backlash or negative reactions to the EP? If so, how do you navigate those responses?
Comatose Red Ivy: The EP is backlash, on everyone or anything that’s ever hated on me or anyone else that’s LGBTQ; I don’t know who all has heard it, being I don’t promote or market my music, I just upload it and go on to next project, but something told me to at least publish an article on this project.
- What steps do you take to ensure that your music remains empowering and uplifting for your listeners, while also addressing challenging subject matter?
Comatose Red Ivy: That’s easy, it all comes from the abuse and terror I went through mostly in 2020 when I was poisoned and captured inside, during COVID LOCKDOWN with an abuser, AKA MY KILLER, I bring forth everything I learned from all my hardships while held captive and forward all the strength now instilled in me so others can hear my message of strength and knowledge and avoid any similar situation.
- How has your identity as a female transgender artist influenced your artistic vision and the way you approach your music?
Comatose Red Ivy: Fresh new bars, I say things rappers couldn’t even dream of to say, including you Lil Wayne (Sir, lol). I have a unique vision and perspective, so the way I’m doing and do things, hasn’t even been done.
- What impact do you hope ‘LGBTQ NATION’ will have on your listeners, particularly those who may be struggling with their own identities or facing discrimination?
Comatose Red Ivy: It’s a Message of Hope and Unity; if you have nobody, contact me online, I’m here for all of you! COMATOSE RED IVY
- Lastly, what future projects or initiatives do you have in mind to continue advocating for unity, equality, and the rights of the LGBTQ+ community?
Comatose Red Ivy: Once I get back out to LA, I’m going to write an album about the freedoms of living freely, about what life is like being tarnsgender and or gay and open and out of the closet; it will have a whole different perspective than this EP and be explicit free; I was over explicit in this EP intentionally to put emphasis on my frustrations and my strength.
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