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Exclusive Interview with American Country music artist – Richard Lynch

Based in Waynesville Ohio, Richard Lynch is an American Country music artist, who has released a long list of chart topping hits in the world of traditional country music. Lynch’s style is reminiscent of the greats. The passion & purity that fueled the likes of Conway Twitty, Waylon Jennings, George Jones & Hank Williams, can be heard through the vocals & exquisite musicianship of the Richard Lynch band. Lynch’s love of Country music spans 3 decades. With that, amazing live shows and songs about the ‘working man’ feed his audiences with adrenaline. Its country, the way country music was meant to be and they have numerous awards to prove it.

Richard Lynch
Richard Lynch
  1. How long have you been doing what you’re doing and how did you get started in the first place?

Richard Lynch: I have been hearing traditional country music all my life as I was born to a very good accomplished entertainer, my Dad Woody Lynch.   I have been playing for a living (getting paid) since 1978

  1. Who were your first musical influences that you can remember?

Richard Lynch: besides my Dad Woody Lynch, Conway Twitty, Buck Owens, Elvis and the like we’re my first influences

  1. If you could record a duet with any country music star, who would it be?

Richard Lynch: a current artist would be Alan Jackson

  1. Do you also write songs for other artists? And which major label artist would you like to hear signing your songs

Richard Lynch: I haven’t written songs for other artists but George Strait would be a great one to hear singing a song I wrote

  1. Live gigging or studio work, which do you prefer?

Richard Lynch: Live gigging is my favorite to see people enjoying my music is a thrill

  1. When you are not on the road or in the studio, what do you do to fill your days?

Richard Lynch: I am a farmer so baling hay, feeding horses and taking care of the farm fill my days, building barns and conducting auctions are other occupations that fill my days also

  1. Tell us something about your songwriting processes. Do you lock yourself up in a room and ‘work at it’ or do songs arrive while you’re busy doing other interesting things?

Richard Lynch: I have to be absolutely inspired to write a song, I cannot force myself to write a song. It must come from the heart for me

  1. Do you have a personal favorite song in your catalog? Is it also the crowd favorite at gigs or are these two completely different songs?

Richard Lynch: I don’t per se have a favorite of mine but truly enjoy when someone asks for my songs.   And my songs seem to be crowd favorites since they ask for them

  1. If you were driving cross-country and could only bring one CD, what would it be?

Richard Lynch: any Keith Whitley album

Richard Lynch
Richard Lynch
  1. Do you have a permanent band for gigs and recordings or do you use different musicians for each occasion?

Richard Lynch: I have a permanent band for gigs but use studio musicians in Nashville for recordings

  1. What would your band members say they appreciate the most about you?

Richard Lynch: That we keep them busy

  1. Which aspect of being an independent artist and the music making process excites you most and which aspect discourages you most?

Richard Lynch: the best part of being independent is making all my own decisions about my music content, the discouraging part is not getting the exposure as an independent that the labels get

  1. How involved are you in any of the aspects regarding your music (recording, producing, and marketing processes etc.)

Richard Lynch: I am involved in all the processes but my wife and our promoter Randy Hayford handle the marketing, social media processes

  1. What is your most valued material possession?

Richard Lynch: I love my Dad’s 1956 Gibson Cutaway guitar, I wouldn’t trade anything for

  1. You’ve been on the road a lot. If you could blink your eyes and be in a favorite place right now, where would that place be?

Richard Lynch: I love So Dakota and would love to be out there in the blink of an eye

  1. Is there something musically you haven’t yet achieved or would like to do more of in the future?

Richard Lynch: I would like to play the Grand Ole Opry and would like to do that someday

  1. Has there been one particular moment in your musical career that you’re most proud of?

Richard Lynch: Whenever I got to perform with my Dad was always a proud moment

  1. Are you surprised you’ve made it as a musician and Country artist for as long as you have?

Richard Lynch: Not really, I have always worked to and put my heart into this passion for traditional country music, so it doesn’t surprise me

  1. What’s your motto or the advice you live by?

Richard Lynch: Treat people right, say what you mean and mean what you say

  1. What’s next for you?

Richard Lynch: heading down the road to the next gig, looking forward to sharing my music with good people